No Fish Today
Registered: 09/04/03
Posts: 1376
26.April: I stopped at the Wall after work, arriving about 4:45 pm. There were about 20 people spread out along the wall, most fishing for shad. A newbie hooked up on his first ever shad shortly after I got there. I grabbed my net, but before I could get it in position, the shad flipped away from the wall, and he gave it a hard tug. And it dropped the leaf, or more likely, he tore it out of it's mouth. Scuttlebutt was that a few shad were caught earlier in the day, but not much else was happening at that time.
The water was down another couple of feet, nice and clear, but there wasn't much current. By 6:pm the current was picking up, along with the wind, which was getting cold. By the time I left a little after 6:30, another 4 shad had been hooked, and most landed. I got bumped a couple of times, but nothing stuck to the leaf.
Terminal tackle: back and forth between 1 oz, and 1-1/2 oz drail over a 4' flouro 10# leader, and a hammered silver leaf in pink with a white stripe and black dot.