No Fish Today
Registered: 09/04/03
Posts: 1376
It's that time, again. Time for this shad-aholics, annual shad thread. Welcome to this year's sh*t-show.
20.March: a beautiful day, and my first on the water. Stopped by E. Barbor St/Bissell. Water clear, ~40ºF, and no current to speak of. Water lapping at the last cleat. Yeah, that's a negative. Off to Bart's.
2:pm at Bart's above the RR bridge. Water level above the footings, and at the foot of the rocks lining the bank. Surface temp ~42ºF, fair current, and clear. Radio and I took casting practice for an hour and a half. No Fish Today.
21.March, 2:30pm: another beautiful day. Water conditions same as yesterday, except a tad warmer, surface temp ~45ºF. Ran into Rob at the boat launch, just planning on casting practice, not unlike me. LOL! He gave me my annual "mini" (tiny, size .5, .25?) willow leaf "for luck". Last year didn't work out so well for luck, I almost didn't accept it. F**k it, it was good to see an old friend, but No Fish Today. As I packed up, Gary pulled up, and we traded good tidings with Rob. As I rolled out to go for supper, I thought I saw Radio pull in.
Not much to report, but I didn't want another BOLO to be put out on me! And it's time to start this thread again.
Tackle: Rod: one-piece Ugly Stik, 4'6" U/L Pro Reel: Penn 4200 SS, spooled with 15# Power Pro (Hi-Viz Yellow)
Terminal Tackle: 5/8 oz drail over a 3', 10# flouro leader, and willow leaf, hammered silver in green/orange with a black dot.