No Fish Today
Registered: 09/04/03
Posts: 1376
27.April: I had just about finished today's post, when *poof*. It was gone...
Reader's Digest condensed version: I was at the Wall from just before 11:am to 3:45 pm. Lot's of shadaholics lined the Wall. I saw a lot of shad caught, over 1 dozen throughout the day. All bucks I think, as I didn't hear anyone say they got a roe. Some of the bucks were good sized, long and thick. Of the 3 shad I got today, I thought 2 were roes, until we got them in a net.
I started with my "heavy" set up, a 1 piece 7' med action rod, mated to a Penn 4400SS, throwing a 1-1/2 oz drail over the usual terminal tackle. When the current slowed mid afternoon, I switched up to my U/L set up, a 1 piece 4'6" Ugly Stik, mated to a Shimano Sahara FJ 1000, also over the usual terminal tackle. Willow leaf colors today were all a base of hammered silver. Paint on the leaves varied: pink w/ white stripe and a black dot; white w/a few red dots; royal blue/chartreuse w/"eye"; and red/white w/black dot. I caught the 3 shad, one each, on the last 3 colors. Does color and pattern really matter? Enquiring minds want to know...
Tomorrow is another promising day. I will be out in the afternoon if things don't go awry, as they often have lately. I hope you can get out, too. And if we do, tight lines!