No Fish Today
Registered: 09/04/03
Posts: 1376
29.April: I got stuck at work, and didn't get down to the Wall until after 5:pm. Surprisingly, there were less than a half-dozen regulars plying the wall on the left side. There were a few people down on the right corner, but they looked like they were chunking for the most part. 411 from the regulars, including John who was out since 7:am was that things were dead at the moment, not unlike the current. He reported that he had caught 7 earlier throughout the day.
The water was clear, down almost another foot, and slack, barely moving. I threw the U/L with an ounce for weight, and had no trouble reaching and holding the bottom. Before 5:30 a shad was C & R, and by 5:45 another was netted. By then, the wind picked up, and the temp dropped almost 10º; it got chilly. A few more people had joined us along the Wall, but I still didn't count a dozen. And people started packing up around 6. I threw in the towel, too. No fish today.
Terminal Tackle: 1 oz drail over a 3-1/2', 10# flouro leader, and hammered silver willow leaf in red and white, with a black dot.