21.May: Ferry Park, Rocky Hill. I arrived at 4:20 pm after work, and found 5 people working the docks. No reports of shad, but that some alewives were being caught. The water was mostly clear, some oak flowers, maple seeds, and the first hints of cotton on the water. The wind was blustery, and coming up from Cromwell/Middletown.

Just before 6:pm, as I packing it in to get some supper, a young lady fishing with her father hooked into what turned out to be a nice roe. She promptly released it, and then beat feet out of there. She got her vitamin shad, and quit while she was ahead, LOL. I had a lot of hits from alewives, but only one stuck to the leaf long enough to be caught.

I'll try it again tomorrow down by the Ferry. Reports from the Wall were disappointing. No fish today, and not many yesterday, either.

Tight lines!

George Darrell ...

I support "PETA",
"People Eating Tasty Animals"