No Fish Today
Registered: 09/04/03
Posts: 1376
20.April--late report, life gets in the way, and will continue to for a couple of days--at least a couple more...
I parked at Bart's before 11:am, and some of the usual suspects were lollygagging in the usual manner. A few were even fishing, although nobody was catching. However, a call had come in just before I got there, that they were catching them at the Wall. Bill C, Dylan, and a few others had already bugged out, and headed down. Whelp, I'm not wasting my time when a reliable reporter said he's catching.
I arrived at the Wall about 11:45, and there were over a half dozen with their arms in a cast. Miguel said he had caught 3, and lost 1, and John said he had caught 1, too. That's music to my ears, so I rigged quickly, and put my arm in a cast. Over the next few hours, more people dribbled in as word spread. I wouldn't say it was crowded, but we covered half the wall. And shad made their appearance, every so often somebody hooked up. I got a good solid hit a little after 3:pm, it put it's head down, and stayed down, or tried like hell. It pulled long, and hard, and as it got closer it dug deeper, and made a few short runs, putting up a good scrap before John was able to assist with the net. It was a nice long, thick buck. All in all, I saw about 9 shad caught for the afternoon, not everyone hooked up, but most did. I got my vitamin shad, so it was a good day!
The water was a couple or 3' below the top of the wall, but turbid-you couldn't see far into it. The current was good, but an ounce and a half weight was enough to find and hold the bottom. I didn't get a surface temp.
Terminal Tackle: a 1-1/2 oz drail, over a 3-1/2' leader, and a hammered silver leaf in pink/chartreuse with a red dot, until I lost it. I caught my vitamin shad on a hammered silver leaf in yellow with a touch of blue/silver glitter, and black dots.