Paulie Walnuts (AKA Cat in the hat) and I hit the wall (Cromwell) Saturday (4/28) morning at first light till around 9:00. I caught 1 small buck. Other regulars (about 10 or so) showed up shortly after us. There were by my rough count about a dozen fish caught while we were there. A few were pretty good sized.

I tried my luck today Tuesday 4/30 from about 1-2PM. I caught 1. There were about a dozen caught by the 10 or so other fishermen during that time. Doing the math there were about the same number of fishermen catching about the same number of fish but in about 1/3 the time. It is getting better.
One guy was on the South corner plugging for stripers. They showed him no love.

Tackle: 1 1/4 oz drail 3' 12# Fluoro leader with a willow leaf silver, or pink or silver/red dots
