Registered: 04/16/06
Posts: 431
Loc: Willington
April 20 - Barts at dawn Got to Barts with a buddy while it was still misting around 05:45. We struggled to get the rods set up in the dark with 3/4 drails, 3' leaders and one silver, one green willow leafs. I left the big guns (15# fluoro) home today in favor of a much more "shad'able" 8# setup.
It started raining before we were done setting up, and we were on the rocks by 6:30. The weather was getting worse, a light rain was ramping up into downright pouring by 6:45. I came damn close to losing my rod, I stumbled while trying to free a snag and fell onto the rocks at the edge of the river, I let go of the rod in the mayhem and it landed in the water. I wasn't that concerner until I saw it leaving for the middle of the river. One giant step and a quick grab and I was able to grab it by the last inch. Another split second and it would have been out of reach.
The rain wasn't improving and my buddy was soaking through so we called it around 7:00. No hits, no misses, no nuthin'. We were the only ones there.
We stopped at the Windsor launch on the way home and, oddly, there is about a 22' fiberglass boat dragged up on shore and tied to a tree. It doesn't have any numbers on it but it has one of those red stickers that the police put on stranded cars on the side of the highway.