No Fish Today
Registered: 09/04/03
Posts: 1376
14.May: I arrived at the Wall about 11:45 am, a handful of regulars were plying the water. No reports of shad, and only a few alewives. The river was down still more, and when the tide changed later in the afternoon, an old piling was exposed at the far left of the Wall. The current, such as it was, was lackluster. I lasted until 4:pm, and a few alewives mouthing the weights, was all the action I could muster. I saw only 4 shad caught today. Scuttlebutt from the cast of regulars is that the shad moved north quickly with the high water we had following the rains, and snowmelt. IDK if there is any credence to the speculation, but the season seems to be about played out. I'll keep at it until the cotton fouls the rivers, line, and tackle.
Terminal tackle, same-same as the last couple of trips out. Tight lines!