No Fish Today
Registered: 09/04/03
Posts: 1376
Hi Bob, yes I'm certainly feeling better. Glad you enjoy the reports.
16.May: I got out of work a little early, and arrived at Rocky Hill just after 4:pm. I figured they would have the docks in at Ferry Park, and most of them were in. There were only 2 shadaholics working the docks on arrival. Miguel C&R a shad as I set up on the fire boat dock, and a little while later a guy across from us landed a nice long roe. She was spawned out, had dropped her eggs, and she was pretty beat up.
A little while later, a couple of more regulars showed up, and we had a half dozen with arms in casts. A couple of guys pulled up to the docks in a boat, saying they had struck out, nothing but . They joined us on the docks, LOL. Just before 5:pm I scored a middling white perch, and other than a couple of taps and bumps, that was all she wrote for me today. Miguel caught a second shad, and Bill C also hooked up. Sissy managed 2 herself, and Dylan was crushing the crappie, LOL. By 6:pm, my supper was calling, so I packed it in. The shad didn't cooperate, for me, but the company, and laughs made up for the lack of action.
I started with my U/L set up: 3/4 oz drail over 3' 10# flouro, and a hammered silver "one-eyed jack" pattern. That garnered the white perch, and some interested bumps and taps. As the current picked up, I switched to my med action set up: 1 oz drail over 3' flouro, and a hammered silver "Jamaican" pattern. No takers for me, but it seemed to work for Bill.
Tomorrow I'll head back to RH after work. No matter what you're pursuing, tight lines!