No Fish Today
Registered: 09/04/03
Posts: 1376
2.May: I arrived at the Wall about 4:15 pm to find only 2 souls, serious shadaholics working the river. And boy-o was the river up, and rising. By the time I left at 6:pm, it had risen about an inch or so, which I believe was on a falling tide. The water lapped at the top course of stones, with some of the lower courses at the water level, and wet. The water remained coffee colored, the current was stiffer than yesterday, and a surface temp was 52ºF. Normally from the top of the Wall I cannot reach the water to take a temp reading, for instance yesterday the water was ~3' below the wall, out of my arm's reach. And no one else joined us on the bank. Sure, it was a fool's errand, but I had made the trip, so I decided casting practice was worth the gas. To the point: no fish today; not for nobody.
Terminal tackle: 1.5 oz drail over 3.5' 10# flouro, and a couple of bright, flashy hammered silver willows. With patience, I was able to work the drail to feel it bump the bottom in spite of the higher water, and stiff current.
If I stop after work tomorrow, which is doubtful due to the forecast, I'll probably head over to Bart's to survey the Farm'y. I don't think that will be much, if any better. We'll see just what the weather brings tonight, and tomorrow. Tight lines!