No Fish Today
Registered: 09/04/03
Posts: 1376
Late reports: 17 & 21.May: I went to Rocky Hill and Cromwell for nada.
22.May: I stopped by Cromwell just before 4:pm after work, but the one shadaholic fishing hadn't gotten so much as an alewife. to Rocky Hill, arriving shortly after 4:pm. The cotton was on the water, but despite the rain on Saturday, the river was mostly clear of debris, except for the damned cotton. I started out fishing alone on the boating dock (fisherman's dock still wasn't in), except for a couple of kids soaking chicken livers for cats, across the way on the RH Fire Dept. boat dock.
About an hour after I started casting practice, Bill and Miguel showed up. We fished together for another hour, before supper called me off the dock. Dylan showed up as I left. We all got nuthin' for our efforts. Well not all of us, Bill and Dylan targeted Crappy and were doing pretty well with the panfish. By then the cotton was starting to float by in mats.
23.May: I arrived at Cromwell (didn't want to deal with the cotton in RH) about 4:25 pm. There were a few shadaholics at work, and as I parked, one was playing a shad, and the another was wandering in circles looking for a landing net, LOL! I grabbed my net and landed a middlin' buck shad, maybe 2#; his 3rd shad of the day. Within a few minutes a 3rd regular also hooked up. Blessedly, the cotton was scarce.
About an hour later 3 of us hooked up at the same time. While I was fighting mine, I helped net shadaholic #1's 4th shad. Shadaholic #2 landed a nice big white perch. Eventually one of them assisted me with the net to land a nice long, but spawned out roe. About a half-hour later I landed a small schoolie striper. All in all, about 6 shad were landed, most released, but a couple went to a guy who wanted to smoke them. I hope he remembers my contribution...
24.May: I arrived at Cromwell about 4:15 pm. The river hadn't fallen much since Sunday, and remained relatively clear of cotton, and other flotsam. A few alewives made an appearance, and a regular down towards the middle of the wall landed a middlin' shad. I had one short hit with 3 solid headshakes before the line went slack, and C&R a few alewives. Until about 5:45 pm when I had a hard grab that set it's own hook. It gave my drag a work out (love that sound!), but we got him in the net. A long, thin buck, at about 2# maybe a bit more. I had been talking fishing with one of our security guards at work, and she asked me to remember her. Today I did, and will bring her the fillets tomorrow.
Terminal tackle: 1 oz drail over 3' 12# flouro (I went up from 10# due to too many fouled leaders in the windy, of late, conditions), and a hammered silver in candy corn colors. To be fair, I threw a few other patterns, but candy corn seemed to be the most successful. YMMV, and invariably will...
The season is winding down, but there is still a little life left in it. Get 'em while we can, and tight lines!