No Fish Today
Registered: 09/04/03
Posts: 1376
8.May: I got out of work a little early, and was at the Wall just past 4:pm. There were about 10 regulars working the water, and reports of a few shad being caught throughout the day. The water was down almost another foot, turbid, but with little flotsam, and the current was less strong than it was yesterday. I started off with my 7' Bass Pro Graphite series Medium action rod/Penn 4400 SS reel set up, with a 1.5 oz drail over 4' of 10# flouro, but the drail was a little too much for the diminished current. I was too lazy to change it to a 1 oz drail, as my U/L set up (4'6" Ugly Stik Pro/Penn 4200 SS) was handy, rigged with a 3/4 oz drail, and ready to go. I had no problem finding and keeping the bottom with the lighter set up.
I was there almost 2 1/2 hours before supper called, and I saw a half dozen or so shad caught. I think all were bucks, except for maybe one lone roe. We also saw a few alewives, a white perch, and a little dinky bronze back landed. I managed to hook a couple of alewives to keep the stinky-kitty off, but no shad for moi. As I found out yesterday, the bulk of the action is earlier in the day. It has been pretty slow in the afternoon when I typically get out of work. They're in there, but the pods are scattered, and small.
Congratulations to the Shad Derby winners, and I know a couple of them, nice work! I can't believer we are already approaching the end of the season. But, while the shad are here for the next couple of weeks, I'll be getting out as often as I can manage. Tight lines!