No Fish Today
Registered: 09/04/03
Posts: 1376
Arrived at the Wall at 4:30 pm, Bill C and a couple of other regulars were working the whitecaps. Yepper, it was blustery again today (weatherturds be damned, "wind subsiding" my a**), and by all reports the fishing was slow, except for the alewives. About 4:45 Bill C landed a middling roe, 5 mins later, another shadaholic hooked up for another middling roe. As soon as he landed that, I hooked up and landed a small buck. And then it got quiet for an hour or so. At 6:30 I landed a smaller buck, between catching a few alewives during the interim. I also saw 2 other shad landed about the same time.
The wind definitely affects the fishing. If not the bite directly (which I doubt, we catch shad in spite of it), then it affects the ability to feel and hold the bottom to present the terminal tackle to the shad. All in all, today was a good day, and the shad, while scattered, made appearances. Despite the wind, I will sally forth again tomorrow.
Ah, the details, the devil is in the details. Terminal tackle: 1.5 oz drail over 4.5' 10# flouro leader. Leaves that landed shad for me today: hammered silver white & red w/black dot, and hammered silver, orange & green reflective tape w/black dot.