No Fish Today
Registered: 09/04/03
Posts: 1376
Wednesday, 25 May.
After work I headed down to Rocky Hill, and found 3 regulars working the docks. They had C&R a few before I got there, and fought and lost another as I set up. On my 5th or 6th cast, fish on! And I landed a small buck. After our Kodak Moment™, he went back in the drink. Two more regulars joined us about then, and a couple more shad were C&R. About an hour later, I had another good hookset, and it fought harder than the first. It tried to stay deep, and it ran off a little drag a few times. Roe?! It had hit far out on the cast as the drift in the current was getting started, so it took a few minutes to get it near the dock, and into the net. Lo and behold, it was a Walleye--my PB, at 22", and about 3#! I sent it back into the river amid much keening, wailing, and gnashing of teeth ("that's good eats!"), but I don't feel bad about it. About 10-15 minutes later, I had another good hookset, resulting in my 2nd buck for the day. A few more shad were C&R by the shady cast of shadaholics around me. Ah, my tribe, LOL!
Today's winning terminal tackle: 1.5 oz drail over 3'+ flouro 10# leader, and a Jamaican leaf (hammered silver, green and yellow w/black dot).
My son and DIL are currently driving up from TN for a wedding for which he is best man, and we are all attending next weekend. Depending on his time of arrival, I may or may not be hitting Ferry Park after work tomorrow. I love my son and DIL, but I hope they're tired, and want to get settled and get some rest. I want to catch more shad...
The run is still on, even if it is near the end of the season. The cotton is blowing down into the river, and starting to mat and clump. It wasn't too bad today, the line picked up some, but it didn't foul the guides, and was easily plucked off the line while retrieving slowly. In a few more days it will become (to me) intolerable. Until then, tight lines!