No Fish Today
Registered: 09/04/03
Posts: 1376
I slabbed by E. Barber St/Bissell boat launch at 4:30 pm after work. It was misty and drizzling, which may explain the presence of only 2 people fishing; one for shad, one drowning worms. Shad man said he had caught 2 about a half hour before I arrived, the master-baiter had caught nothing. Shad man managed to catch one before he left a few minutes later. And as I was setting up, one of the regulars from Bart's and the Wall showed up. The current was languid at best, but the river was clear, and at a good level, just below the 2nd cleat on the ramp.
After about a half hour of casting practice I hooked into a middling buck. I got a look at him as he threw the hook at the ramp before we could bring him to the net. Our regular guy hooked a shad quite away out, and it took him the better part of 10 minutes to get it close enough to the ramp to get a look at her. She was a big, fat roe, a nice big girl with good color, but she was not a fan of the skinny water. So she rolled, and threw the hook out of net range. Another regular, a young guy who showed up a couple or 3 years ago, but has established himself as a dedicated dead-beat on the bank at Bart's also showed up to take casting practice.
Other than a few taps and bumps, all I dragged out besides a limit of wooden eels (aka: stick fish; not to be confused with a fish stick), was a couple of 3/4 oz drails, and a nice, new hammered silver willow leaf w/reflective green tape, and yellow paint w/black dot. I lost one rig, weight, leader, and leaf, so I came out ahead today. Not a terribly productive day for 2 hours fishing, but the company was good. We'll see what tomorrow brings, but I'll probably head back to the Bissell tomorrow unless I get the 411 the Wall is producing. Tight lines!