No Fish Today
Registered: 09/04/03
Posts: 1376
At the Wall after work by 4:15 pm, to 5 shadaholics working the brownstone, and a couple or 3 others working meat sticks, soaking chunks or tossing a plug. One regular packed it in as I unpacked. He had been there about 30-40 minutes, but the wind was too much for him. He had landed 2 shad in the short time he was there. While windy, it was not as stiff as yesterday. The water was down another 6"-8", choppy from the wind, but the current was good.
About 4:40 pm I hooked and landed a nice roe. She wasn't very long, maybe 20", but she was fat, and 3#+. After a Kodak Moment™ she went back in the drink. Over the next 45 mins a couple of shad were caught along the Wall. By 5:30 pm I had lost one, and landed another, also released after a Kodak Moment™, along with a couple of handfuls of alewives. By 6:30 pm hunger and Stop & Shop beckoned me to go get my supper. Not a bad 2+ hours, I went 2 for 3, the last one on the U/L. Now, if the d*amned wind would quit, it would be pretty nice. One can hope...
Terminal tackle: med-heavy throwing 1.5 oz drail, 3.5' flouro leader, and hammered silver leaf in orange & green reflective tape w/black dot. U/L throwing 1 oz drail, 4' flouro leader, hammered silver leaf in white w/4 red dots.
Rumor has it the Rocky Hill Fire/Police dock is in. I know there are shad at the Wall, but it's tempting to sample the water at Ferry Park tomorrow. We'll see how "breezy" it is; curse the weather turds.