No Fish Today
Registered: 09/04/03
Posts: 1376
Today, after harvesting a handful of Ramps, and replacing the deadbolt that failed (pot-metal guts just CRUMBLED), I hit the Farm'y behind Bart's just after 11:am. Seven reprobates were taking casting practice, and only one shad on the bank. The water was down over 1' from yesterday, and clear, but the current was slow, and the temp was ~54ºF. I sized down to a 5/8 oz drail, and had no trouble holding the bottom. I eventually got a hookset close to the bank, but when the water got really skinny, it rolled and dropped the leaf before we could net it. At least I got a look, and it looked like a middling buck. We C&R a bunch of alewives, I had a half dozen, and saw another dozen caught around me. The highlight of the morning was when the pike that tried to steal Bill's stringer (TWICE in as many days..bold MF!) latched onto one of the alewives, mid-retrieve, right in front of Bill. I swear, it was taunting him, LOL! Bill tried netting the pike, but it dropped the bucky at the net. And then it came back at the bucky. Same-same result; 3rd time was the charm. The pike held fast, and was netted. After a Kodak Moment™, the pike was released, and the torn up bucky was given to the pike as a reward. At first it swam away, but circled back around, grabbed it and took off. And then we got the 411 from the Wall. They were catching a few shad. I had only taken my U/L this morning, and knew I'd need my heavier rod/reel set up, so I ran home before I headed down to the Wall.
I arrived at the Wall about 2:25pm. Bill, and our 411 reporter and a couple of other regulars were plying the water. A couple of shad were on the bank, and a couple of more had been sent back whence they came before I got there. Third time is the charm, on my 3rd cast I got a good hookset on the final retrieve close to the wall. We netted a middling buck. Sweet, another on the board. A few of the others also caught shad around me, and then things slowed down for a while. We were jawing with a curious on-looker, when a regular at the Wall landed a middling buck. And then another. He was using an U/L set up, and that got my attention. I set down my bigger rig, and grabbed my U/L from the car. And within minutes, hooked into a middling buck. We got a fair look at him at the Wall, but he threw the leaf. 15 minutes later I got a good hit, and hookset. This one was heavier, and gave me a good tussle with the U/L. Eventually I was able to work it into net range, but she wasn't having it and tried to run a few times. Have I ever mentioned how much I love the sound of my drag? Eventually she was coaxed into a net, a nice 3#+ roe. I love the fight with that U/L!
I had to cook supper tonight, so I headed home. It was a good day, 2 hours on the Farm'y this morning, and another 2 hours on the Wall this afternoon. I will be out tomorrow after work, probably at the Wall depending on the 411.
Tackle starting out at the Wall: Penn 4400 SS spinning reel, mated to a 6'0" Ugly Stik Med-Heavy action, Elite one-piece rod spooled with 15# Hi-Viz Yellow Power Pro. Terminal Tackle: 1 oz drail, over 4' of 10# flouro leader.
Tackle finishing the day at the Wall: Penn 4200 SS spinning reel, mated to a 4'6" Ugly Stik U/L Pro one-piece rod spooled with 15# Hi-Viz Yellow Power Pro. Terminal Tackle: 1 oz drail over a 4', 10# flouro leader.
I therw the rainbow at them today. Florescent pink w/black dot, chartreuse w/black dot, and yellow with red dot got the most hits today. YMMV, and invariably will...