No Fish Today
Registered: 09/04/03
Posts: 1376
Paul, I'm sorry to hear about the MCL tear. That'll put a damper on your season. Let's hope you are able to salvage some of it by the time the girls are in town. Paul, and the rest of you reprobates, thanks for the kind words.
Yesterday I went out behind Bart's after work, arriving a little after 4:pm and fished about 1.5 hours. The water level was down a little from Monday, and clear, but the current had picked up a little. Surface temp was a hair under 50ºF, at 48º/49º. The breeze was coming down cold from upstream. One regular had arrived just ahead of me and was setting up. We got into casting practice together shortly. Within 10 minutes we were joined by one of the next generation of shadaholics; so young, and already on the path to ruination...
In summation, we all took a fair bit of casting practice, but as of yet, no fish today. If the rain holds off this afternoon, and it looks like it will, I'll give it another shot after work today.