No Fish Today
Registered: 09/04/03
Posts: 1376
After work I headed down to the Wall, arriving at 4:30 pm I found 6 or so regulars working it. Bill C showed up as I was unpacking my tackle from the car. He said he had caught 10 there this morning, around 11-ish for a couple of hours. The water was down from yesterday, there was some flotsam drifting by, but the water was mostly clear. I used my U/L set up with 1 oz of weight, and had no problem holding the bottom. I got bumped once before 5:pm, and had a solid hookset right about 5, landing a middling buck which was promptly released after a Kodak Moment™. Within 5 minutes, I had my second shad of the day holding the line. He was spunky, diving and trying to stay deep. I had to work the U/L to get him to the net. Things got quiet after that, and a few more people joined us, bringing the total to over 1 dozen shadaholics.
Things picked up a little after 5:30 pm, and I landed another middling buck just before 6:pm. He was a fighter, running deep, and making a couple of runs to make my drag sing a little. [img];oe=626D1BAC[/img]
Hunger drove me out of there around 6:45 pm. Today was a good day, a lot of shad were landed, and most released. We got the 411 about E Barbor St/Bissell boat launch from one of the regulars, he caught a couple of big roes there. Some of us will be headed to the Bissell launch tomorrow to try for a big girl, or two.
The winning leaf for me was chartreuse with an orange dot, it got all three today. Until tomorrow, tight lines!