Can we review the seasons again? What I am reading is that there is a handgun season for deer on private land only of ten acres or more starting on November 1st and running until December 31st, exclusive unto itself in early November until the shotgun/rifle season start date and then inclusive with the separate seasons of shotgun/rifle, muzzleloader and archery. So in effect, there is a handgun season for the entire month of November and December and it changes the "lessor weapons" rule in the respect that you can now handgun hunt during the shotgun/rifle season on private land. Actually the lessor weapons rule may have been modified already for some of the archery season extensions. I would think this will make it easier to handgun hunt in NY and Pa. too.
I really didn't think the handgun bill would pass. No reason not to but the anti-gun, anti-hunting sentiment, animal rights groups, in the state is very strong and they simply got rolled over on this. It would never have happened even two years ago. It happened now because we all came together as sportsmen and rolled back the fees. Add up all of the members of CTF, CCS, DU, TU, the Bass Federations, the Ct. Federations of sportsmens clubs, the saltwater fishing organizations, etc. and you have a coalition of maybe 50,000 sportsmen. If you told any state rep or senator last fall, after they passed the 100% fees and license increases, that sportsmen would organize and get this rolled back they all would have laughed, and in fact, until the second meeting at Cabelas in November, most of them were still laughing. But a few of these reps and senators saw the light and that we would not be denied and took a leadership roll. A by-product of our political actions is this new handgun hunting season that never would have been approved in the past. Sportsmen will forever be respected as a political action group and we will not be denied anymore. We are now more powerful than the "Antis" and as long as we stay active and attentive it will remain that way. Never become complacent. We have accomplished a paradigm shift that I don't think we have really grasped yet but for sure our politicians have. We need to keep up our activism and promote our agendas.