Three days left in this Legislative Session – concludes Wednesday @ midnight. NOW is your opportunity to get a twofer! The bill below has passed the Senate and is ready for debate in the House providing more opportunity for Hunters (Handgun Hunting), and more important, a credit for those who paid the outrageous doubling of fishing/hunting licenses. For those who had contacted their legislators FOLLOW UP Now. With the plethora of bills being addressed, some Representatives may not be aware this bill passed in the Senate. For those who did not communicate-Do IT NOW. Support the sportsmen effort to get a credit on license fees and an additional hunting opportunity. This bill could be debated tomorrow (Monday)!
We have had several contacts on Handgun Hunting asking: If this passes, will a Permit be required? You WILL need a State Permit to Carry Pistols and Revolvers. There will be NO special hunting-only handgun permit. Many responded they will begin the Pistol Permit process immediately.
It appears there is also significant support in the House but YOUR contact is needed. E-mail, and Write, and Phone Call YOUR State Representative NOW! You can find your CT legislator at .