As Zyg has said, believe that the Governor's office is on board with this package. Hope we're right.
Another positive sign is that last night at the CAC meeting, we were advised that the BNR has been alerted to be prepared to change the online licensing system to reflect new rates. They went on to say that this presents a timing challenge, since it will probably require a system shut down/restart to implement the rates. The current plan is to do this work overnight to minimize disruptions to anglers, since this is such a busy time for purchases with Opening Day upon us.
Regarding refunds, the DEP has no mechanism or staff for this activity, and said it would be extremely difficult for them to process refunds.
My opinion: As a practical matter, I don't see refunds happening unless the Governor's office or the Legislature decides to apply pressure to the Dept to figure out how to refund monies paid by anglers in 2010.