#587745 - 11/23/0501:52 PM
Re: Creel limit for Bass
Jon Pski
Registered: 04/15/02
Posts: 5743
Loc: Winsted, CT
As Mitch mentioned- Be careful what you wish for especially regarding the CLA. The CLA does a great job with trying to preserve and protect Candlewood Lake. They also get a bit overzealous with perceptions. The perception of many waterfront owners is that their lake receives way too much fishing tournaments. I wont deny that the lake gets a ton of fishing pressure yet from my veiw, it has not impacted the fishing quality. The perception is that the two state ramps allow too many boats on the water. The reality is there are somewhere aroound 5400 vessels on the water and shores of Candlewood Lake this year that are owned by the residents. In a survey done a couple years ago, the CLA found that fishing tournaments were in the top three complaints of lakeside residents. The perception is that every bass boat on the water is involved in a tournament. We know the reality is different. Though these lake associations can be beneficial to the overall health of a lake, if given too much ammunition from fishermen, this information will be taken to their local legislative leaders who will in turn create a Bill in Hartford. Does anyone really want more government interference in their lives? I know I don't. When matters as this reach a political level, veiws, and facts tend to get distorted. And not in the sportsmen favor neither.
When it comes to creel limits how about a seasonal limit. Maybe 2 fish a day over 16" from Dec 31 to March 15? Special exemptions for tournament? PHOOEY! I'm so tired of jumping through political hoops now and to think of another form that would need to be filled out is ridiculous from my veiwpoint. The current permit system was originally put into place to try and get a picture of how many tournaments were occuring with the added benefit of free data. It then progressed to limiting parking space to now a full blow regulatory quagmire. To this day I really can't understand why these restrictions are in place. If ten guys want to get together for a day of fishing and compare weights, that constitues a tournament and must be permitted. If a group of ten guys want to get together and go skiing for the day and time each other on a makeshift slalom course that is fine. What's the difference? They are both "organized events" Anyhow, I'll end my ramblings on tournament fishing with this last statement. Be careful what you wish for. Any attempt to further restrict or curtail fishing tournaments could be a very slippery slope.