#587796 - 11/25/0512:39 AM
Re: Creel limit for Bass
Bass Rebel
Registered: 08/08/05
Posts: 1397
Loc: Watertown, CT
Chris, I've kept 6 fish the whole season, the 6 that started all this, but that doesn't matter if it was only 1 fish, seems 1 fish is 1 to many for some people.
Jim, I'm all for changing the creel limit for winter (Ice Fishing) months, my reasoning for this? Well if you change the creel limit to 2 or 3 fish a day, then people will just keep more fish per day and there won't make a difference. For example lets say I fished on Sat and I caught 5 fish currently and decided to keep them, if I then fished on Sunday they would all go back in. If the limit was changed to say 3 fish and I caught 3 on Sat, chances are if I fished Sunday and caught 2-3 fish I'd keep them too...so nothing would have changed. Myself, I usally only keep 4-6 fish an entire season, so a creel limit wouldn't hurt me in the least if it was 2-3 all year long I'd just get them spread out over the season. Now ice fishing is a different story, and this is just my view because I don't ice fish, so it would be different for people that don't fish during warmer months and only ice fish I'm sure. But if the creel is limited during those months then they would have to go out in the cold for more days to get more bass which would probablly not happen. Again a creel limit all year long lower then what it is I don't think would be effective on what your trying to accomplish. Do you know what the percentage is of people that C&R against those that LEGALLY keep is? Not sure myself, but I bet it's pretty high, meaning that the overall percentage of people keeping bass to eat legally is probablly relatively low and not a threat in the least to the fisheries. Those that go out and harvest above the limit, and also multiple times above the limit during the year can and do I'm sure affect the fisheries. That's why DEP has a creel limit in effect, they know what's best for the fisheries. Again I'm all for a creel limit in the winter months and would be happy to help out on getting that changed any way I can.