See, that is where the issue comes the south resources are NOT limited. In many northern lakes and ponds resources are limited. In my travels around NY as a DEC employee I personally fished/electrofished/netted 116 lakes and ponds. Stunting DOES happen in our northern lakes. I had one fish for example that was 16 years old and 11.5 inches long. This lake (107 acres) just so happens to have a fish and game club on it that has a fish fry every Sat night. This club has been in existance for over 40 years and they have had the tradition for many of the 40 years. Pictures clearly illustrate that there used to be many large fish in the lake, but they have overharvested the crap out of the big ones, and now all that is left are hundreds of thousands of small panfish and bass. The old timers are complaingin to the DEc that they can't catch any big fish now, and want them to do somethign about it, but they refuse to keep a bass under 15 inches because its difficult to fillet and get enough meat for ameal. A CLEAR CUT example of overharvesting large fish.

Team Daiwaimano
Team too many broken rods to count
Team bluefish lawn ornament
Team "oh shiit we are out of gas"

Cell: 607 206 0324