OFF TOPIC HERE BUTTTTT HOW IS HOOP DOING???? I thought this thread he was using to keep us updated on his take of how things were going down there.

I am sure there are other boards out there to discuss energy alternatives and the political crap that seems to go with it! NOW you guys are bringing up BROADWATER WTF this guys livelyhood is gone and your using this thread to spew out your political ideology give it a rest!!!!

Hey how about this ..... SEE there are forums where you can have your rants!!! For the two CTF's mini Limbaughs here is a place for you....

Redfish in response to your post about me going off topic earlier Hoop started this thread to let us know how he was doing and how this disaster was affecting the people in his community. For some reason it seems no matter what happens in this world their are two individuals on this site that love to bring politics into the issue as fast as they can.

This disaster is not a liberal or conservative disaster its an American disaster in one way or another WE ALL will be hurt by this spill.