I really wonder how many of the Anti-Petro crowd are going to ride their bikes to work tomorrow.....or better yet, give up their gas powered boats.

Todd: What about the pedestrian walking down the street. If he gets t-boned by a car, how is that different than the fisherman in the Gulf? Everything we do has risks/rewards. We all know we can get in a car and get killed or kill others, yet we are all willing to take that risk. Same goes for riding on airplanes, buses, etc etc....

If the risks outweight the rewards, then you should look into a switch, but very often it's not that clear.

All the technology you mention may have some opportunities and I know private industry is looking at ways to make them work because whoever invents a way to make they cost effective, they'll be very rich.

The problem is..............those who are the most anti-Petro are also the same people stonewalling alternative technology. Most Libs are against wind-farms in their area since the deem them unsightly and they'll chop up birds. Underwater tide technology seems to make sense but i already hear the uproar about people saying, NIMBY !! It goes without saying what they believe about Nuclear.

We definetly don't want to do as Brazil has with their Sugar Cane to Alcohol process. Brazil has clear cut millions of deep forest and rain forrests in order to have enough land to plant their cane.