hooper has an interview in one of the videos on this page, the 2nd one down on the left side titled "frustration mounts". He is at the very end of the clip, and only in the clip for a few seconds. Looks like he is on his cat in Venice harbor with Eddie Burgers boat (bill collector) in back. http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/05/31/louisiana.oil.frustration/index.html?hpt=T1
I dunno. I dont want to seem to negative for the guys supporting BP for helping fisherman like hooper by generating work down there. Its a confusing topic. But even if BP is helping employ them and make it through today.. what about next year, and the year after, or say 5 or maybe even 10... Can he sell his house and move back to CT? I dunno.
and yes conrad. Politics can be silly. They need to find a way to make horrible punishments for people that make decisions that cause catastrophes, regardless of laws being broken or not. There just seems to be endless problems in the last 5 years, enron, home mortgage crisis, ponzi schemes. It seems to just be getting silly. I dont want to get political, just saying I hear ya. As for obama, in my opinion, he needs to utlize federal resources like the army core of engineers or nasa or someone to come up with backup plans to the half effort jobs BP is doing.