#860602 - 09/11/0703:53 PM
Re: 9/11 Still Haunting......
[Re: The Real Iceman]
Registered: 11/13/05
Posts: 1132
Loc: New Milford CT
I remember that day so well The first plane I thought was an accident but when the second plane hit I knew the truth we were under attack.
I had the whole department gather and told them what I knew of the Situation and told them that if any of them felt the need to leave for whatever reason to go ahead. It was so hard to try and get on the web that day all newsstations were pegged to the limit. I finally got more information fromm the BBC network and that was how I kept everyone posted.
I was supposed to go on a flight to Minnesota that week for training which was cancelled. The downward spiral of this event caused the company I work for to downsize. My department which I was groupleader of went from 22 down to 4.
This day should be made a national Holiday, A day of official rememberance. Not for just those that lost their lives on this day but for all responders that try to keep us safe everyday, not knowing if this will be their wrong day to be in the wrong spot . Policemen Firemen Paramedics DEP officers even everyday Joes or Joesephines who are forced to become heroes due to unexpected cicumstances.
Have a safe time on the water and may that tight line be pulling back.
A member of Schaghticoke Bassmasters http://members.tripod.com/~bassmasters_ct/index.html A member of the TBF. The Bass Federation Tournament Bass Fishing for everyone. http://www.ct-tbf.com/