Originally Posted By: tommy
I was at work and told by a friend listening to the radio.
Never forget.

As Tommy posted...
I was at work also and was getting a parts delivery from Don at CarQuest. He was telling me that someone just crashed a plane into one of the Trade Towers.

I reflected about that today at work, (ironically I was standing outside literally "where" I was standing on that day, and the same time.) Then it hit me, it felt almost exactly the same weatherwise as it did on that day. Plus seeing a lone plane flying overhead, and the almost "dead quietness" around outside.

Very eerie.

Never Forget.

I should've been here yesterday?
I was...
And I didn't catch anything then either!!!

"Cheese has no business being on a turkey sandwich."~ Silas Robertson

"This here not keeping score crap; Ends today! " ~ Frank Barone

"I want to go back
And do it all over
But I can't go back I know" ~ Eddie Money