#806896 - 09/10/0305:42 PM
Re: 9/11 Too Much Horror
I know how you feel tackleman. After two years you would think it would be easier but somehow it isn't. As mentioned, we must NEVER forget and need to move on. Moving on for me is catching and punishing everyone responsible, including ANY Country involved. We knew someone who made his last cellphone call to home/family and spent the last minute of his life speaking to them.
These people, responsible for this attack, don't understand anything but might!
For those lost and their families our thoughts and prayers continue to go out to them.
Without a doubt, no one of us will ever forget that day. The problem is, how do you deal with people with a mentality like that. Like a thief that sneaks up on you and bashes your head in. I'm sure some of you have seen on TV how some Palestinians brainwash their own children that it is good to blow yourself up to kill the hated Israelis. They seem to get away with it day after day, despite the extremely tight security in Israel. Death means nothing to these people, and therein lies the problem. I don't have an answer, and obviously the government hasn't figured this out either. There is no way to stop an individual from creating mayhem when you can find out how to make a bomb on the internet, and using it to kill your perceived enemies.
#806900 - 09/10/0306:25 PM
Re: 9/11 Too Much Horror
Registered: 06/06/01
Posts: 10391
Loc: Shelton, CT
I will always be bothered by it. Too close to home.
I had 3 little kids in my program that lost their Dads that day. Not much I could do except provide a distraction for an hour a week and waive their fees. Too little but how do you replace a father?
When I pull the boat out of Stamford to fish, the NY skyline is visible to the west. I used the Towers as a visual mark when heading from the reefs off Norwalk back to Stamford. First time I went out and headed for home, I saw a huge whole in the sky and smoke. Winterized my boat soon after that. Couldn't go out, hurt to much.
I still stare at nothing everytime I head that way and just shake my head.
Many friends got lucky that day, people I know worked within blocks. A good friend had 2 brothers and 3 cousins ALL firefighters on duty that day. They all came home.
My prayers constantly go out to those families who lost loved ones. Prayers of thanks for those who were lucky as well.
#806901 - 09/10/0306:33 PM
Re: 9/11 Too Much Horror
Registered: 07/22/02
Posts: 13820
Loc: Suffield/Niantic, CT
Originally posted by Bob & Mag: I know how you feel tackleman. After two years you would think it would be easier but somehow it isn't.
Your right! It isn't... that's exactly how I feel....
Too many things changed that day I guess. I can vividly remember thinking when I was watching it unfold on TV that day, that life in this country would never be the same.
I was right. It's not the same. Maybe I just realized that fact, and it's part of the reason I feel the way I do today.
#806903 - 09/10/0307:05 PM
Re: 9/11 Too Much Horror
Registered: 05/14/03
Posts: 123
Tackleman I feel the same way as you do. I have been sitiing here reading all that everyone has said and i have tears streaming down my face because I turned on the radio and all of a sudden God Bless the U.S.A started to play while I was reading it and it all seemed so un-real. I cannot believe it will be 2 years tomorrow. It seems like so many people have forgotten. I never will, the wounds are to deep and to real. Im glad you spoke up and said something because now I know im not alone. I really want to do something tomorrow, something that will honor all of the innocent people & heros that died on that day... Even if I just go down to the ocean and light some candles.. My heart will definatly be with those that lost their lives two years ago tomorrow.
The most beautiful women in the world is Mother Nature
#806904 - 09/10/0307:48 PM
Re: 9/11 Too Much Horror
I was going to leave this alone until I saw the response. On the front of my truck I have a plate with the Date, the Flag and an inscription "Our Loss Will Not Be Forgotten". I have had two people comment on the plate and I just got one for my wife. I don't believe that for the most part people have forgotten. I do believe that it's hard for people to accept that we had a loss on our land caused by someone from another land. Reality has struck as to how vulnerable we really are. On that tragic day I had someone walk up to me in our main office at work and say a plane has just crashed into the World Trade Center. My reply was this has happened before, it's probably a small plane and the building can withstand that. As the events of the day unfolded my responsibilty was to maintain the composure of all my employees. To keep them busy and not think about what was happening. The first chance I got I rushed home to see for myself what had happened. Like Jeff's wife I watched the second plane hit. At this point I had no composure. I have refused to look at any coverage again. As I sit and write. The day is as vivid as the day it happened. I cried alot.Afterward I was angry, very angry. I sat and waited to see how we would respond. When we did I was so proud. Not because we were killing people alot of them innocent. But because "OUR" families and friends relatives had not died without consequence. I wear the Red,White and Blue constantly since that day. I saw alot of this right after the tragic day. I don't see it so much now. Alan Jacksons song depicts that days events perfectly. For the families who have lost friends and relatives. I can never forget. It is they who have payed the ultimate price for our freedom. We have troops paying the ultimate price daily. You know this comes to light quite often as I refuse to remove my plate. Somedays I'm proud others I'm sad. Most days I'm okay as I think of our response. The only thing I can do now is give President Bush or anyone there after my undevoted support. I only pray that America will continue it's support. I'll have to wait and see how I feel about this tommorrow. Right now it's okay.
#806905 - 09/10/0308:18 PM
Re: 9/11 Too Much Horror
Registered: 03/27/03
Posts: 585
Loc: Berlin, CT
Everyone will always remember exactly where they where and what they were doing on the morning of Sept. 11th. T-Man, I hear ya...I too often find myself watching documentaries regarding that fateful day. I think its because I don't want to forget, I don't want it to go away, I want to make sure I remember that day and just how I felt.
If I fished only to capture fish, my fishing trips would have ended long ago. Zane Grey
The water you touch in a river is the last of that which has passed, and the first of that which is coming; thus it is with time. Leonardo DaVinci
If they but knew it, almost all men in their degree, cherish very nearly the same feelings toward the ocean with me. Herman Melville