Frank acheiving his personal fishing goal of a striper every month from the housy will be the feature of the outdor column in the Danbury News-Times tomorrow morning.
Everybody's got to believe something — I believe I'll go fishing.
#663578 - 02/07/0305:25 PM
Re: 12 months in a row ! Stripers in the Housi !
Registered: 06/25/02
Posts: 9771
Frank once again congrats on an awesome job! Hey not one mention of the site in the article, geez Hollywood Spanky, you couldn't get it into the story? :p
Jimmy thanks for finding and posting the article for us.
#663579 - 02/07/0308:21 PM
Re: 12 months in a row ! Stripers in the Housi !
Registered: 07/22/02
Posts: 13820
Loc: Suffield/Niantic, CT
I have a couple of goals for this season that involve other people getting their First's on my boat. Thanks for the idea of setting some goals, it should make this upcoming year even more enjoyable.
Nice article. You must feel proud, and rightly so! Was a great feat of determination on your part.. Wish I had the same inititive.. Keep it up, you inspire us all!! Thanks.
"les't we forget".................................................... Bogey's Photos
Unfortunately, columnists never get to write their own headlines. They pay people who know nothing about the topic at hand to do that. My title for the walleye piece was "Fish don't study geometry". Years ago, I did a column that should have had something abpout blues smashing surface plugs in the headline. Instead, it had them "tugging on lines". I called and begged them to let me write the headlines for my column, or to at least run it by me first. No dice.
As far as mentioning, I have dones so in several columns where it's appropriate. Last time was Jan 17. That may not be in the $ub$cription archives yet.
BTW, I'm also planning to do some interviews with Frank for In-Fisherman Radio.
Everybody's got to believe something — I believe I'll go fishing.
#663583 - 02/08/0309:18 AM
Re: 12 months in a row ! Stripers in the Housi !
Registered: 06/25/02
Posts: 9771
Rich don't sweat the small stuff. It was great to see Frank get some recognition for the accomplishment. You should know that everything here comes with a little cookie crunching added to it! Thanks for giving all of us something to read in the papers that isn't bad news.