Michael-SW CT
Registered: 09/17/01
Posts: 16283
Loc: Bridgeport
Sunday afternoon I decided to take a break from trout fishing and going to Twin Brooks Park for bass and pickerel. Arrived at my hot spot around 1:45pm. First cast out there with a size 9 purpledescent Shallow Shad Rap and caught a chubby 13" largemouth. Nothing else after that. I was thinking it was gonna be a good day with hardly any sun, light winds, and light drizzles on and off. Next stop was the rocks at the pond with the beach. Nothing there. When I got to the smaller cove by the island there was a huge swirl. I tried many different techniques with the Shallow Shad Rap but nothing worked. Stayed quiet as I made my way around that pond. Did lose a small largemouth while catching a few bluegills with a Panfish Assassin. Moved over to the cove at the bigger pond. Nothing on the Shallow Shad Rap. Also tried throwing a size 4 silver baby bass Jointed Shad Rap and a size 4 Storm Big Bass Square in shad but had no luck. Later as it got closer to sunset and I was at my November hot spots, I was starting to see breaks on the surface like bass feeding. 2 lures I stuck with were the Shallow Shad Rap and a Bill Dance Heddon Spit'n Image but had no luck. My last stop was the hidden small marshy pond. I was hoping for another nice bass and pickerel like last time with the Heddon. On my second cast at the same spot as last time, I had a huge swirl and then an explosion. I felt this thing pulling! When I looked I could just see the huge tail of a "snake" dancing! Just as I started battling it in, I lost it I lost what would have been a new PB chain pickerel! It was my fault for working it too hard too soon On one of my last casts I had a swirl that you could call a "California Wave"!
If bluefish were to grow as big as giant bluefins, then there would be nothing left out there except for blues!
Registered: 06/23/04
Posts: 20754
Loc: Suffield Ct
Yep, you'll get him next time Michael.
WAVEWALK DEMO AGENT: Send me a message if you want to try the W500,W700 and soon the S4.
You can take what you want from life......As long as you give a little Back. "We never get over the fishing fever, it's a delightful disease and thank the lord there is no cure". "CTF, is a lure I can not afford to NOT have in my pocket"
Don’t argue with Idiots.. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Our freedoms are being choked, big brother's grip is getting tighter.