Here is a list of Players of the Environmental committee.
These are the people that need to be contacted


SENATORS MEYER, (Chair), 12th; District; MAYNARD (Vice Chair) 18th. : DEFRONZO, 6th

SENATOR MCKINNEY, (Ranking Member), 28th District; DEBICELLA, 21st.

REPRESENTATIVES ROY, (Chair), 119th District; DAVIS, (Vice Chair), 117th; BACKER, 121st; BYE, 19th; CHRISTIANO, 134th; HENNESSY, 127th; HURLBURT, 53rd; JUTILA, 37th; MEGNA, 97th; MOUKAWSHER, 40th; MUSHINSKY, 85th; O'ROURKE, 32nd; PERONE, 137th; SPALLONE, 36th; URBAN, 43rd; WILBER, 63rd; WILLIS, 64th; WRIGHT, 41st.

REPRESENTATIVES CHAPIN, (Ranking Member), 67th District; GREENE, 105th; KALINOWSKI, 100th; MILLER, 122nd; MINER, 66th; PERILLO, 113th; PISCOPO, 76th.

Clerk: Jason Bowsza

Room 3200, LOB 860-240-0440

Have a safe time on the water and may that tight line be pulling back.

A member of Schaghticoke Bassmasters
A member of the TBF. The Bass Federation Tournament Bass Fishing for everyone.