I heard about a few walleye being caught in the Housatonic above Lilli a few years ago. I traced upstream sources and could not figure out where they came from and came to the conclusion they came out of Squantz as fingerlings, into Candlewood, down to the New Milford arm, through the Pen Stock and into the river. Walleye are notorious wanderers.
Of course the state TRIED to start a walleye fishery in Lilli when it was first impounded. It didn't take, but enough fish escaped to Zoar to start a tiny population there. I don't fish the lake enough any more to have any idea whether or not it still exists, but when i did, we used to catch a couple a year from Zoar. But this one threw me for a loop in '81. As far as I can tell, that's either a sauger a saugeye. Note the general lack of gold in coloration, the blotchiness, and most important, the lack of a white tip on the lower tail.
Everybody's got to believe something — I believe I'll go fishing.