BRUTAL wind!! Some of the southern marinas had some shelter. Chapmans looked like LIS ! Easily sustained winds of 20,gusts over 25. We got back to the picnic at 1:30 or so, meeting MOST of the other fisherman there! That tells you how the conditions were.
Sucks I missed it, but glad I cancelled. With all that wind, if I hooked a big pike and had to land/measure it out of a kayak, my big a$$ might of been in the cold water.
Of course, one of the best parts about Piketoberfest is the post-fishing food, drink and fun. It's impossible to leave this event hungry!
Thanks to Keywest Glenn for the fire barrel! Great for the post-fishing fall afternoon.
Paul with his great goose stew.
Frank serving up awesome sausage & peppers.
A nice variety of awesome food! Thanks to everyone who brought something to share.
Kapt's infamous chili.
If you've ever hung out with Kapt, you know there is going to fun & games. The guy is always prepared for fun, and always ensuring everyone has a good time!
The fun zone.
Paul D. coming down and showing support. We have a lot of lax members who stopped coming out for this event. #soft!
Team Slapshot in the house!
One of the nicest guys around, Frankie D!
Proud dad Scotty J with the "Champ" Brandon.
It's never quite over until the sun starts to set and the moon comes out.
Life Time Member
Registered: 01/19/02
Posts: 12965
Loc: Wallingford/Florida
Pretty cool glad you guys kept tradition alive. I am done with that cold Congrats to the young gun. Seems like youngsters are lacking in the sport.... Leave it to Cwood to break the trophy.
Registered: 06/06/01
Posts: 10391
Loc: Shelton, CT
Great time as always at a CTF event. I haven't been able to fish this event for a few years and boy did I miss it. Thanks to team Slapshot for the invite!
As was obvious, the conditions were far from ideal but we managed to have a blast anyway. Hopefully I can fish it again next year. Congrats Brandon! Keep giving pops lessons, he'll eventually figure it out!
Special thanks to Paul for organizing this year after year, great job!
Food was great, company was better. Mitch, Kapt and I think Scott fished the very first Piketoberfest a loooong time ago. It was awesome to be a part of it again