Jon Pski
Registered: 04/15/02
Posts: 5743
Loc: Winsted, CT
My buddy Bill (Billybass) and I left Winsted at 6:15AM with 26F air temp for a 180 mile round trip to Amos. Bill towed my 14 ft "Trout Tracker" down to the Norwich area and finally arrived at the pond to be greeted by nearly all skim ice! Wonderful! My hopes of a warming trend were out the window. Water temp was 39F. Just were it should have been with skim ice and still a bit of sheet ice in two of the coves. We did see the water come up to as high as 40.6F though. And ironiclly, the warmest water was were the last of the ice was at 2PM. Wind was 5-10NW but gusts more around 15.
We fished around the pond throwing mostly grubs, jig & pig, swimbait, with an occasional jerkbait or crank in between. Started primarily deep but worked shallower as the day progressed. It wasn't until a short bit after 10AM before the first real bite occurd on a curl tail smoke grub over some 6 ft grass at the north end of the lake. Bill scores his first open water fish 2010. A 3.5 pound slime dart. We worked around the pond a bunch as this was only my second time being there and Bills first. Lots of nice looking structure items. Found a small 15' hump, a giant boulder in 35', and some great looking points. The grass was exciting also, but all was for nill until about 2PM. Two to three PM is probably close to peak water temp time, and the bass are supposed to be shallow. That's what all the books say right? Here comes the KVD stuff. Throw my chrome blue with a purple stripe Strike King Red Eye Shad into shallow water, on a point and TAP! A real bite. This fish shows no sign of alarm and feels like a small one until 1/2 way back to the boat. WOW! This might be a good one! Long story short. this oinker bottoms out the Berkley scale at 5 pounds even. WOOHOO! My first open water bass for 2010 is a 5!
After a weight, and photo op, we are drifting into a shallow cove and the edge of the remaining ice is quickly approaching. Wing that Red Eye Shad back into 3 ft of water again and TAP! The second bass of 2010 comes to the boat. Only about 1.75 pounds but a second fish none the less. I'm using KVD's bait and score almost back to back fish. Life is good now.
We drifted that area 4 more times with no more action and as the cold batteries were slowing us down, we moved off to hit the flat near the launch. The wind was calm here. The previous two fish came from the windy bank. Now around three O'clock and nice and warm, Bill has a Smokey Joe Rat-L-Trap tied on while I continue to flail the water with the Strike King bait. TICK! Another bite on the Red Eye but this one doesn't feel like more than a perch. That is until I got it to about 15 feet from the boat. That's when it QUICKLY changed direction and smashed my casting rod to the bottom of the trolling motor shaft. What the hey! This fish, after no fight whatsoever, finally figured out it had a hook in its face. To be axact, a single belly hook into the bone of the bottom jaw. Wild dives, and crazy surges, this fish wanted no part of what my little KVD fantasy was dishing up. After an insane battle, far exceeding 40F water temp expectations, the second beauty of the day came on board to welcome spring.
A beautiful 5 1/2 pound largemouth on the 2010 Classic winning bait. What a glorious way to kick off the season. First time on the open water for 2010 and I score a pair of fives!!! We got off the water shortly thereafter and drove home happy.
This is only my second time to Amos and on my first trip there, I also got a 5 and a 5.5. Needless to say, I'm impressed with this pond. Too bad it's 90 miles away from home. Dust and Chris missed out on some fine fish.WELCOME 2010!!!