#1822135 - 10/11/2102:25 PM
Police called on us for fighing candlewood! "a bomb in their bags"
Pond Skipper
Registered: 03/05/07
Posts: 489
Loc: Western
Ill make this an easy read and anyone else looking for more details or has any questions feel free to reply with them. Ill save some of the conversation since its not all the relevent to the point
Instead of going out on the water today we figured we would go to the danbury side rock shoreline near the boach launch beside the road. The same rocks people have been fishing from shore since I could remember. As we are walking we see some people walking from the road toward the private beach. One of the guys told my buddy we cannot fish here. My buddy told him people have been for a long time theres no sign whats the issue. The guy told my buddy he would call the PD. So we stayed and one of us called cwood bait and tackle and the other called the police station to ask if they knew any thing about no one being able to fish it any more. Neither anyone from the baitshop had heard about being an issue. The woman who picked up at the police station said all the officers could do would be to ask us to leave. Mind there is no signage at all BESIDES at the boat launch which says no fishing at the boat launch. We figured F it theres plenty of other places to fish around town and started to walked back to the cars the local PD showed up The guys who told us we couldnt be there apparently work for firstlight (they gave my buddy a card after the fact) and said they own that part and due to erosion from people fishing / walking through they do not want people over there any more. We told the officer that we were leaving anyway but there is no signs. She said thats fine theres not much she could do anyway.
Oh lets not forget one of the guys said i dont know they are are doing they could have a bomb in their bags as we are all standing with the officers. lol
Technically I dont think the officers could have made us leave? Am I wrong? We were more irratated on how the firstlight employees responded to us and the dumb comment about a bomb.
Does anyone here work for firstlight or know one of these guys that were just standing around bsing?