#1822135 - 10/11/2102:25 PM
Police called on us for fighing candlewood! "a bomb in their bags"
Pond Skipper
Registered: 03/05/07
Posts: 489
Loc: Western
Ill make this an easy read and anyone else looking for more details or has any questions feel free to reply with them. Ill save some of the conversation since its not all the relevent to the point
Instead of going out on the water today we figured we would go to the danbury side rock shoreline near the boach launch beside the road. The same rocks people have been fishing from shore since I could remember. As we are walking we see some people walking from the road toward the private beach. One of the guys told my buddy we cannot fish here. My buddy told him people have been for a long time theres no sign whats the issue. The guy told my buddy he would call the PD. So we stayed and one of us called cwood bait and tackle and the other called the police station to ask if they knew any thing about no one being able to fish it any more. Neither anyone from the baitshop had heard about being an issue. The woman who picked up at the police station said all the officers could do would be to ask us to leave. Mind there is no signage at all BESIDES at the boat launch which says no fishing at the boat launch. We figured F it theres plenty of other places to fish around town and started to walked back to the cars the local PD showed up The guys who told us we couldnt be there apparently work for firstlight (they gave my buddy a card after the fact) and said they own that part and due to erosion from people fishing / walking through they do not want people over there any more. We told the officer that we were leaving anyway but there is no signs. She said thats fine theres not much she could do anyway.
Oh lets not forget one of the guys said i dont know they are are doing they could have a bomb in their bags as we are all standing with the officers. lol
Technically I dont think the officers could have made us leave? Am I wrong? We were more irratated on how the firstlight employees responded to us and the dumb comment about a bomb.
Does anyone here work for firstlight or know one of these guys that were just standing around bsing?
#1822136 - 10/11/2102:35 PM
Re: Police called on us for fighing candlewood! "a bomb in their bags"
[Re: PerfectHookSet]
CWood Man
Stop Bitchin' And Get Fishin'!
Registered: 02/13/04
Posts: 22884
Loc: Villas NJ
Wow that's a new one. People always fish from the causeway there and the rock cropping between the causeway and private beach. I call total bs but who knows these days.
--That is a dike that acts also as a dam. Ownership is most likely with First Light. Actually the ownership of Candlewood Lake and its properties is with a Canadian pension fund sold to them by First Light and the new owners hired First Light to manage the properties. So if First Light officials with proper credentials asked you to leave you should leave. But these guys on the road are likely not with First Light and if First Light wanted no one to fish from the dike it would be posted with heavy signage. --The police did not get involved because there is no signage there and there is a history of it being allowed for public access and no one with the correct identification presented themselves to the police other than through a phone call. There is a legal doctrine called Prescriptive Easement. This dike meets the definitions of Prescriptive Easement. Further, there is nothing to prove the guys who reported it were from First Light and the police officer probably had no historical knowledge of access and ownership. --If the police were responding due to a possible bomb and then could determine you were only obviously just fishermen, then the police could arrest the First Light people for false reporting. Kind of like yelling fire in a crowded movie theater. --Most likely the guys on the road were not First Light employees. You could call First Light, ask for their security dept. and report the incident including the bomb comments and the police investigation and that this is harassment of a legal fishermen which is against state law. You could then find out the real story from First Light about access. If access is allowed, or First Light intends to look the other way and take a position of benign neglect on the issue, then if you are harassed again by anyone it is your turn to call Encon or the Danbury police and report the issue and file a complaint against them under the "hunter harassment" laws that also apply to legal fishermen. --Most likely these guys belong to the private beach and live over there and don't like people from the outside coming there, fishing, maybe making noise, etc. so they harass them to leave. Assuming First Light has no problem with fishing from the dike, fishermen are protected in multiple ways to continue doing so including the Constitution's First Amendment dealing with the right to assemble as litigated in Leydon v. Town of Greenwich. This would be a "starter kit" for taking a counter action against these guys.
--That is a dike that acts also as a dam. Ownership is most likely with First Light. Actually the ownership of Candlewood Lake and its properties is with a Canadian pension fund sold to them by First Light and the new owners hired First Light to manage the properties. So if First Light officials with proper credentials asked you to leave you should leave. But these guys on the road are likely not with First Light and if First Light wanted no one to fish from the dike it would be posted with heavy signage. --The police did not get involved because there is no signage there and there is a history of it being allowed for public access and no one with the correct identification presented themselves to the police other than through a phone call. There is a legal doctrine called Prescriptive Easement. This dike meets the definitions of Prescriptive Easement. Further, there is nothing to prove the guys who reported it were from First Light and the police officer probably had no historical knowledge of access and ownership. --If the police were responding due to a possible bomb and then could determine you were only obviously just fishermen, then the police could arrest the First Light people for false reporting. Kind of like yelling fire in a crowded movie theater. --Most likely the guys on the road were not First Light employees. You could call First Light, ask for their security dept. and report the incident including the bomb comments and the police investigation and that this is harassment of a legal fishermen which is against state law. You could then find out the real story from First Light about access. If access is allowed, or First Light intends to look the other way and take a position of benign neglect on the issue, then if you are harassed again by anyone it is your turn to call Encon or the Danbury police and report the issue and file a complaint against them under the "hunter harassment" laws that also apply to legal fishermen. --Most likely these guys belong to the private beach and live over there and don't like people from the outside coming there, fishing, maybe making noise, etc. so they harass them to leave. Assuming First Light has no problem with fishing from the dike, fishermen are protected in multiple ways to continue doing so including the Constitution's First Amendment dealing with the right to assemble as litigated in Leydon v. Town of Greenwich. This would be a "starter kit" for taking a counter action against these guys.
#1822146 - 10/11/2104:07 PM
Re: Police called on us for fighing candlewood! "a bomb in their bags"
[Re: PerfectHookSet]
Pond Skipper
Registered: 03/05/07
Posts: 489
Loc: Western
buck I just edited when I said apprently they work for firstlight i said that because one of the guys gave my buddy a card after the fact like after they had come back toward us whent he police drove by.
he always said they owned the area which they didnt show proof of that and judging by the years and years of seeing people fish there I thought it was all bs
If as of this week this is true and no one is allowed to fish there, its a standing rule. It would also make sense to tell the near by baitshop. Possibly put a sign up on their door so that no one goes over there.
maybe by the end of today there will be signs up that say no fishing.
Originally Posted By: Buck
Some thoughts:
--That is a dike that acts also as a dam. Ownership is most likely with First Light. Actually the ownership of Candlewood Lake and its properties is with a Canadian pension fund sold to them by First Light and the new owners hired First Light to manage the properties. So if First Light officials with proper credentials asked you to leave you should leave. But these guys on the road are likely not with First Light and if First Light wanted no one to fish from the dike it would be posted with heavy signage. He did claim they (firstlight) owns it. We were more confused and didnt trust his word. One of the guys did give my buddy a card only after my buddy asked for one and it was the second time the guys came back to us (as the police drove by.)
--The police did not get involved because there is no signage there and there is a history of it being allowed for public access and no one with the correct identification presented themselves to the police other than through a phone call. There is a legal doctrine called Prescriptive Easement. This dike meets the definitions of Prescriptive Easement. Further, there is nothing to prove the guys who reported it were from First Light and the police officer probably had no historical knowledge of access and ownership. Toward the end of the convo with the police one of the FL employees showed them some sort of ID. The officer did not know about the access of ownership. It was more of our word against theres. Since we could not get a hold of anyone from firstlight or deep and we didnt want to just waste time sitting there we did leave. The officers were basically there to try to resolve a dispute that in reality they couldnt.
--If the police were responding due to a possible bomb and then could determine you were only obviously just fishermen, then the police could arrest the First Light people for false reporting. Kind of like yelling fire in a crowded movie theater. The FL or one of the guys with him for all I know some of the guys didnt work for FL told the officer as we were all standing there about being unsure what we had in our bags. What if the officer thought there was a legitament threat things could have gone a different way. If that was really a concern about people with backbacks.... come on.
--Most likely the guys on the road were not First Light employees. You could call First Light, ask for their security dept. and report the incident including the bomb comments and the police investigation and that this is harassment of a legal fishermen which is against state law. You could then find out the real story from First Light about access. If access is allowed, or First Light intends to look the other way and take a position of benign neglect on the issue, then if you are harassed again by anyone it is your turn to call Encon or the Danbury police and report the issue and file a complaint against them under the "hunter harassment" laws that also apply to legal fishermen.
--Most likely these guys belong to the private beach and live over there and don't like people from the outside coming there, fishing, maybe making noise, etc. so they harass them to leave. Assuming First Light has no problem with fishing from the dike, fishermen are protected in multiple ways to continue doing so including the Constitution's First Amendment dealing with the right to assemble as litigated in Leydon v. Town of Greenwich. This would be a "starter kit" for taking a counter action against these guys. At first I thought they were people who live near the beach and just didnt want us to fish the big roack that seperates the two areas. Tomorrow the plan is to contact who ever we can and go from there. Your post will help out a lot and as usual I apreciate the help and information.
We will be calling firstlight tomorrow, possibly deep and probably the local PD to see if they have a report for us. We did not give any names or make any statments on paper but, id like to know what they have for this instance.
First Light has a security force. Ask for that dept. Then ask if it is ok to fish from that spot which is a causeway and dike. For example, a causeway separates Squantz Pond from Candlewood Lake and a submerged pipe connects the waters. People fish on both sides of this causeway every day. Over by Gerard's Marina to the west of them is a cove with a dike and people fish there. Call the Encon western district in Harwington. Or the TIP line and ask for an Encon officer who covers Candlewood Lake and have him or her call you or have them give you a number to call. Tell them what happened. Look at the card these guys gave you and see what dept. they are in. I am sure they are not in security. Call their Dept. head and find out what authority they have to kick you off the dike. Raise the level of pain here. Tell their boss that they told the police you might have a bomb and now your reputation, etc. is damaged and you could take a civil action. The police are your witnesses to this. I have actually fished this spot at ice out. It is a great early season crappie spot. I have never heard of anyone ever getting kicked off the dike. The Danbury town boat launch and town beach is right there and this cove gets all kinds of activity. With boulder sized rip-rap there is no way human activity can cause bank erosion.
#1822265 - 10/13/2102:20 PM
Re: Police called on us for fighing candlewood! "a bomb in their bags"
[Re: PerfectHookSet]
Pond Skipper
Registered: 03/05/07
Posts: 489
Loc: Western
Deep contacted my buddy Basically the guy shouldnt have told us we couldnt fish there becuase currently you can fish there. Firstlight will be closing that area and others at some point, im guessing squantz maybe? They were failing inspection on the dike. When it comes to a bomb in the back comment to the police theres not much we can do about it because it is a dike / dam and for security purposes they were concerned. We believe the day they were there, there could have possibly been an inspection going on. No one has seen any employees there or no fishing signs posted. I really dont want to go through the court or any thing but, I would consider it harrassment due to the shore still be opening to fishing since there isnt any sort of signs saying private property or no fishing. No one really knew it was going to be closed. You would think that if it was to be soon deep would have been informed about it.
We tried to call firstlight but, we perosnally couldnt get a hold of any one. The deep gentleman WAS able to do so.
#1825200 - 12/23/2103:57 PM
Re: Police called on us for fighing candlewood! "a bomb in their bags"
[Re: PerfectHookSet]
danny k
The Good Life
Registered: 02/14/03
Posts: 2565
Loc: Port Huron Michigan
I used fish there occasionally and remember the sign at the beach. If they do own that dam or not if the police were called what ever they say be polite and follow there request. Not worth a bookem Danno Samario. If you don't own it or know for a fact who does and gives you permission or permission outlined in general statute your in the wrong.
St. Clair River. Port Huron, MI. #1 Prolific Fishery in North America Bar None!