One of the most vivid memories of the whole morning was as the whole world shed a tear for America....the Islamic world capitals were rejoicing with glee.
I never would have thought in less than 15 years the President of America would be negotiating with the Islamic Republic of Iran while they chant "death to America" openly.
Sadly, as a nation, we have forgotten.
If you have children and grandchildren, I would be concerned. Remind them to watch the recorded events of that day so they can see the reality of the enemy we still face today.
Registered: 06/23/04
Posts: 20754
Loc: Suffield Ct
Never forget..................I still remember where I was, what I was doing... Then busting in on the President Of Kamtics, in a meeting, telling them Our Country was under Attack...... A day that will be forever burned in my memory for the rest of my life.
R.I.P. to all those who lost their lives, and God Bless the first responders, strangers, and just regular folks, never thinking of their own safety, and just forging forward to save the lives of as many people as they could. May All the families who lost love ones, feel the hearts breaking for their pain and loss.
Never Forget.....
WAVEWALK DEMO AGENT: Send me a message if you want to try the W500,W700 and soon the S4.
You can take what you want from life......As long as you give a little Back. "We never get over the fishing fever, it's a delightful disease and thank the lord there is no cure". "CTF, is a lure I can not afford to NOT have in my pocket"
Don’t argue with Idiots.. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Our freedoms are being choked, big brother's grip is getting tighter.
#1693322 - 09/11/1607:08 AM
Re: 9/11 God Bless America
[Re: Tackleman]
Registered: 06/06/01
Posts: 10391
Loc: Shelton, CT
Saybrook Town green as 2,977 flags up representing the countries as well as the lives lost. No one is taking credit so the focus stays where it should be.
Never forget!
I was in that area yesterday, I wish I knew about this I definitely would have stopped.
#1693323 - 09/11/1607:38 AM
Re: 9/11 God Bless America
[Re: Tackleman]
Conrad G.
Registered: 06/10/02
Posts: 6373
Can not believe it has been 15 years and it still brings tears to my eyes.. We need a new policy to hunt those like minded fkers down and not let them in our great country!!!God bless....
When I come home stinking like fish, I know I`ve had a good day....
#1693324 - 09/11/1607:46 AM
Re: 9/11 God Bless America
[Re: Frank]
Life Time Member
Registered: 01/19/02
Posts: 12965
Loc: Wallingford/Florida
Originally Posted By: Frank
Saybrook Town green as 2,977 flags up representing the countries as well as the lives lost. No one is taking credit so the focus stays where it should be.
Never forget!
I was in that area yesterday, I wish I knew about this I definitely would have stopped.
I took a wrong turn yesterday from crabbing and saw this, it was amazing to see all those flags gave me goose bumps. Never forget all the lost lives. Never forget the evil bastards who did this.
I'll never forget... Our Nation's flag is flying in front of my home today. Sadly, the NFL & Goodell would rather have players disrespecting our country than honoring those who lost their lives on 9/11 and those who have sacrificed theirs since then.