#587755 - 11/23/0504:57 PM
Re: Creel limit for Bass
I love re-re-opening day
Registered: 04/05/02
Posts: 11224
Good Stuff Pski -
On the tourney exemptions - it's nothing more that a line that already exists on the current tourney applications when held on "Bass Management Lakes"
It currently reads: Are you requesting an exemption from the Special Bass Management Regulations - with a "YES" or "NO" check box.
They then send you "permission slip" of sorts, along with the approved application paperwork and each boater needs to carry a copy. They only say no during warm water months to my knowledge (which would be in the best interest of the fish anyway)
The extra effort is minimal for those applying for permits - but it might put a damper on non-sanctioned events.
One thing is for sure in all of this - bass fishing sure is a hot topic round these parts.
#587757 - 11/23/0508:15 PM
Re: Creel limit for Bass
lastt call before fall
Registered: 02/15/05
Posts: 3910
Loc: Danbury CT
I just got off the phone with "The Man" and he told me he'd do everything in his power to help me cut the tournys to atleast half. it will be realy tough to do better than that, but I'll be happy with 50 tournys a year out there. a hell oF alot better than 100+ a year. and I told him about the illegal tournys. he gave me a # to call if I see anything funny on the islands and such. I will not stop until this is done. and thats a promise.
Candlewood would be great if only people who live on the lake could fish there. That would be so sweet, making the biggest lake in the state private. The fishing would be awesome...but I guess the down side would be that I wouldn't be "allowed" to fish there, well, at least the fishing will the great for the others. I love giving up my favorite "pass time" to make that same "pass time" better for others. 'Tis the season of giving...I guess
#587760 - 11/23/0508:57 PM
Re: Creel limit for Bass
Jon Pski
Registered: 04/15/02
Posts: 5743
Loc: Winsted, CT
csimone - I'll be looking forward to fishing all of your tournaments this coming season. I'm sure when the dates are posted, you'll likely get some good crowds to show up
The first step to eliminating access to the lake, is to reduce access. I just think jamming up permits is a hint of what else could come. Let's say tournys are elliminated but the bassboats are still coming anyway, what do you think the CLA will want to do next?
Plus if we really wanted what's truly best for the fish, we wouldn't own any tackle
What happened to my original post? I didn't start this thread to bash tournament fishing. I saw something I didn't like. And would like the rules changed. Now I say something and I'm ignored like a plague. Start your own thread.
My name is Jim. You can call me slim. I row my boat way out to the middle.Cause the fish I'm after ain't so little. Pike, Trout, Largemouth Bass. Get me out there really fast. I know I'm good,really the best. The rest of you are such a pest. - By Henry Gibson Jim Boyne