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#587735 - 11/22/05 11:56 PM Re: Creel limit for Bass
Jighead Offline

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Originally posted by Keith G:
Smaller bodies of water will only be able to hold a certain number of decent sized fish due to oxygen requirements and forage.
There will be lakes were little improvement can be expected - but there are others with a much greater upside.

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#587736 - 11/23/05 01:15 AM Re: Creel limit for Bass
Mitch P. Online   tilt

Registered: 05/04/01
Posts: 31953
Be careful. The CLA is not necessarily the friend of the recreational -- or tournament -- fisherman or boater. Jon Pski might be able to offer some more insight on the CLA.

I realize limiting tournaments is one theme running through this thread. However, you have to be careful about who does the limiting. You put that kind of power in the wrong hands (such as the CLA) and you don't know what you're going to get. Limiting fishermen's access is a dangerous thing in our small state, in my opinion.

From what I know, the CLA's interest is really with homeowners, not fishermen or the fish.
#587737 - 11/23/05 01:24 AM Re: Creel limit for Bass
BDF61 Offline

Registered: 06/01/05
Posts: 517
Originally posted by Mitch P.:
No one is perfect, and I'm certainly not a genius, but if I started booting people who made "stupid" comments we'd only be talking to, well, I don't know who would be left here. \:D
To start, I don't want to see anyone get booted. What I do see that is a little distubing is Rebel got bashed pretty well for taking a legal limit of legal fish. Criticized enough that Mitch found it necessary to delete posts and close the thread that started this thread.

I recall a thread earlier this summer when a member took a trout outside the slot limits out of a lake under the premis that it was deep hooked and going to die anyway and, although correctly chastised, did not get a quarter of the grief Rebel got.

One thing is clear to me. We are all on the same side here. We all want quality fisheries in this state. I, being uneducated in fishery management, will have to trust the DEP to decide how to do that. Any good debate between people that know what they are talking about is a good thing. If the DEP changes creel limits based on research or information they have I will trust that it is the correct thing.

If we continue to criticize or get personal with someone because they made a legal decision we don't agree with, that causes dissension and divides us. There are people and organizations like PETA that would love to see us fighting among ourselves so that could take advantage of that. If they had thier way there would be not catch and release, fish on the table or CTF.

I think the ultimate goal on this site is to share ideas, knowledge, and brag a little about what we've done. I think we should save the fighting and bashing for when someone wants to take this great hobby/sport away from us.

To those that do know what you are talking about. You have educated more in two nights about fishery management than I learned during the rest of my life. Keep up the good work.
#587738 - 11/23/05 01:43 AM Re: Creel limit for Bass
Bass Rebel Offline


Registered: 08/08/05
Posts: 1397
Loc: Watertown, CT
You made the comment about low voltage current in the water during transport, Question I have is what would it need to be? Would a 9 volt or couple of them together do the trick for a small livewell? A 6 volt lantern battery? If the study shows that it helps I'm all for rigging up something that could attach to the underside of my live well hatch and running metal rods down to the water on each side. Heck I might even be able to invent something I could mass sell and turn some coin at it as well as help prevent mortality loss at tourneys.
#587739 - 11/23/05 01:53 AM Re: Creel limit for Bass
Bass Rebel Offline


Registered: 08/08/05
Posts: 1397
Loc: Watertown, CT
I've learned alot for this thread and even though there were ones out there that bashed me, some of the more technical aspects and facts here have helped me see some things that I never knew. I abide by all the laws and regs when out there fishing, I try and preserve the fisheries, I'm a smoker and I put my butts out and pocket them while fishing, I had a comment made to me when someone saw me emptying my pockets of butts at a launch that "Now there's a real sportsman". Again I think it's like someone else said in an earlier post, everyone has their own fish that they feel strongly about, some are trout, others bass, still others yet panfish. I'm sure if I posted some of the pics of the catfish I used to bring in down south I would have caught flack about them from someone, no hard feelings taken. I hope the people I know that didn't like the pics don't harbour any resentment to me and will still treat me the same. I agree we need to protect our fisheries, and we need to preserve our wildlife and outdoors as well. But it's from all diffent angles not just one. I agree DEP is doing a good job with the limited resources they have I.E. funding, like BDF said we should turn our energy into a partition or something to go to the governer to provide more funding for our natural resources, not attacking each other over bass, trout, etc, etc. Lets take the money out of the politicians pockets and put it to use for the good of the people and the natural resources.
#587740 - 11/23/05 09:59 AM Re: Creel limit for Bass
Mycept Offline


Registered: 04/26/04
Posts: 8360
Bass Rebel,

I'm leaving today for the holidays and wont' be back until the end of the weekend. I'll pull up the papers that I have regarding the work. Alot of this work is/was done by Boyd Kynard at the USGS lab in Turner Falls, Mass. Some of you might be aware of it. They actively use it when they do work on shortnose sturgeon.
#587741 - 11/23/05 10:49 AM Re: Creel limit for Bass
Bass Rebel Offline


Registered: 08/08/05
Posts: 1397
Loc: Watertown, CT
Great let me know when you get back Mycept and have a good holiday!!
#587742 - 11/23/05 10:59 AM Re: Creel limit for Bass
CAJUN Offline

Registered: 02/17/05
Posts: 1634
I believe they should cut down on the amount of tournies on C-wood also .But I believe the problem in the summer is the recreation boats. You only have 2 state owned boat launches on that lake that hold about 100 vehichles and trailers apiece so that approx. 200 out of town boats on the lake, out of what- maybe 3-5000 boats on that lake.The overcrowding doe'nt only come from the tournament boats the problem is also with the recreational users. Just think if everyone that lives on or close to a lake thought like one of the people who posts on this site we are all going to be in trouble.All the lakes will be closed and turned into Heritage lakes for resident usage only.

Have I ever told you I hate the "CLA" !!
#587743 - 11/23/05 11:42 AM Re: Creel limit for Bass
Bass Rebel Offline


Registered: 08/08/05
Posts: 1397
Loc: Watertown, CT
I think there are too many tourneys in this state Period IMHO. I only get out to fish during the weekends due to high work load during the week, and just about every time I went fishing there was a tourney on the lake I was on, either one I was in myself or someone else having one. I think I stated myself that one of the problems with fishing is recreational boats, not just on C-wood but all lakes in CT, for such a small state we do have a lot of people that do enjoy getting out on the water, either fishing or recreational. I'm sure from what I've seen recreational boating affects the spawn as well, I've seen people skiing/Jet skiing so close to shore they might as well be on the land, which #1 is ILLEGAL, #2 I'm sure upsets the nests during spawn. Like I've said before there are many aspects to look at when managing a lake, DEP has a tough job to say the least.
#587744 - 11/23/05 01:51 PM Re: Creel limit for Bass
CWood Man Offline

Stop Bitchin' And Get Fishin'!

Registered: 02/13/04
Posts: 22884
Loc: Villas NJ
1st off Cajun what do you mean by " Just think if everyone that lives on or close to a lake thought like one of the people who posts on the site we are all going to be in big trouble" .

What is that? I have a recreational boat and a fishing boat. Living on the lake costs alot more than off the lake so I will never feel guily about having a "recreational" boat. I use it more as a fishing boat anyway. We live in a community with 14 boat owners and boating is a huge part of living on the lake because boating is great! Are there to many boats on the lake? YES! Is there always a Recreation vs.Fishing boat thing? YES! But being both I just laugh at the accusations from each side. I hear it from my neighbors about lures being buried in there mooring covers and line around there outdrives. I hear it from people on the site about speeding recreation boats and running shallow along fish beds.

I have always said that there should be a huge fee at the launch for out of staters and less tournies, for the sake of the lake quality. I have lived on the lake for over 18 years and have used it for over 30 and have seen the increase from pleasure boating and fishing tournies. You just can't stop the population increase in the area so you will have more useage. It just needs to be regulated more.

I am on my boat every weekend with friends and fish it Tuesdays and it is just a wonderful place to be but these stereotypes of pleasure boats and bass boats is to much! The only stereo type I see is out of staters that don't need to take a boating course(mainly NY REGISTRATIONS) are the ones that have had near misses with me as far as speeding or just not obeying the laws.

Who knows the lake is for sale and hopefully the towns will buy!



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