It means that these problems usually start out like this debate over the use of Candlewood and snowball into a bigger problem!I don't understand how someone who is in a bass club is on here saying he is going to tie up as many permits as he can for c-wood.If all the other lake residents did the same thing his club would only be fishing c-wood.Do lake residents have more rights to use the lake?I don't think they do.I also understand that the residents have a legitimate gripe when they find hooks in their boat covers or seats or interiors of the boats!This is going to come to a head eventually and one side is going to lose, and it will probably be the out of town residents because the average people can't afford to have politicians in their back pockets!
Sorry about this whole thing getting started jimfish but one thing led to another and this is what popped up. But a lot of good came out of this. We all got good ideas and some real bad ones. What would be the use of tagging fish? 99% of fishermen have no idea how to tag a fish which leads to infections and infections equal death. So if everyone tags 5-10 fish a day 75 % of them get infected it would mean much more dead fish than at a “normal” tournament. A mind is like a parachute. It doesnt work if it is not open. Frank Zappa
Registered: 10/10/03
Posts: 3994
Loc: i fell off the rails
Where is it written that a tournament creel has to have 5 or 6 fish. With all the concerned Bass Fisherman here maybe a lead by example approach would work. What's wrong with a voluntary 3 fish to the weigh in. With the amount of Club Fisherman here maybe they could bring that back to the clubs. It might help the DEP step up and take notice.
Sorry Jimfish, my apologies in advance.
Going to Maine in the morning won't see a computer til Sunday night.
#587773 - 11/24/0502:54 AM
Re: Creel limit for Bass
Registered: 01/01/05
Posts: 5547
Loc: Meriden
To be quite honest . If they never held another tourney on C Wood wouldn't affect me in the least. What get's me if the hipocricy of what your trying to do. Also your targeting a single group. Yet I hear nothing mentioned about limiting the amount of home owner/pleasure boater usage on the lake of boat size or horse power restrictions. Let's face it all these contribute to this problem. Who hasn't seen that 35' Cigarette boat hauling a** all over the lake? Can you honestly tell me that size boats belongs on a public lake of that size? But yet you insist on singling out a certain group to further your own selfish needs. You state your doing this in the name of making a better fishery. Yet CWood is the most pressured lake in the state and has been for over twenty years now and still is as good today as it was then. Maybe even better? What you mean by a better fishery is to have the lake to your self. You moved near the lake you didn't buy the lake. It's actions like yours that will hurt all sportsman in the end including yourselves.
He's talking about limiting tournaments, not bass boats or fisherman. :rolleyes:
Tournaments are tough on the fish and he is saying that they may need a little less pressure at times like during the hot months. To say Candlewood has been pressured for 20 years and been ok is a bit shortsighted as there are now more fisherman, bass anglers in particular, then there was 20 years ago.