What can be done to change the existing creel limit of 6 bass over 12" for bass. I was very saddened to see those 6 bass up to 4.5lbs in a recent bass post. This angler also says his partner had 5 more bass up to 5lbs. All very legal. But in my oppinion the existing 6 bass limit is way outdated. Maybe a 2bass per day limit. And maybe just like with other game licences a tag that allowes you to keep only one bass over 4lbs per year.
My name is Jim. You can call me slim. I row my boat way out to the middle.Cause the fish I'm after ain't so little. Pike, Trout, Largemouth Bass. Get me out there really fast. I know I'm good,really the best. The rest of you are such a pest. - By Henry Gibson Jim Boyne
#587637 - 11/21/0512:58 AM
Re: Creel limit for Bass
BOB 06239
Registered: 12/30/04
Posts: 3085
Loc: Danielson,Ct.
Im with ya on this subject JimFish....i was really upset by the pics in that post,but it was all legal which reinforces the need for a stricter limit.Some people don't realize just how much harm they are doing to a body of water,til it's too late.People can say what they want,but they did some damage taken them big fish.With the size of them fish,im sure they just put a good dent in the reproduction rate of that Lake X.
Catch and Release fishing is a lot like golf. You don't have to eat the ball to have a good time....
Not sure why people are worried about creel limits on bass. Honestly, how many anglers fish for bass for food and actually keep the full limit? I rarely, practically never, have seen an angler with a stringer of bass.
#587639 - 11/21/0501:38 AM
Re: Creel limit for Bass
Registered: 01/01/05
Posts: 5547
Loc: Meriden
Not sure why people are worried about creel limits on bass
Why, Because we love our sport and do everything we can to protect the object that brings so much joy and happiness into our lives. As for me? I see nothing wrong with keeping a couple bass now and then just as long as they are being put to good use. I would prefer folks harvested the smaller couple pound bass and released the lunkers. But what can you do? I there doing it legal, more power to them. If they were taken from a watershed resivoir then time will catch up to them.
What I meant was that bass are currently plentiful and seem to be doing well from what is posted here as well as what the DEP publishes as far as electrofishing. The current creel limit is not leading to overharvesting so I don't see the need to sound the alarms. In fact, I'm not positive, but hasn't the creel limit been the same for quite a few years now? IMHO bass fishing has improved in the state. I'm sure if there were a downtrend in numbers the limit would be reduced. There has also been a reduction in the amount of meat hunters that fish for bass and an increase in catch and release anglers. Just because there is a creel limit does not imply all anglers or even 25% or less fill it.
I would love to see the creel limit on bass reduced to 2 per trip and only one large bass per angler per year. The current regs are very outdated. For example; a group of ice fishermen using live bait can seriously harm a bass population in a small lake or pond in just a few trips. It takes many years for a bass to grow to 4 pounds or more, they are not easily replaced.
Jim, If I can help out in any way let me know. Perhaps collectively we can get something accomplished with the DEP.
I agree -creel limits should not be that high. The DEP needs to appreciate why most people fish for LMB and SMB.There needs to be common sense limits to counter man's lack of common sense.Think about the lack of limits years ago on the saltwater species of flounder,blackfish and bluefish? I would be willing to join in a petition effort. Thanks Jimfish
What is the usual weigh in limit for number of fish in tournaments?? You can't drop the creel limit too low or you'll be weighing in 2 or 3 fish. Remember, fish in the live well count towards a limit whether you plan on throwing them back or not.