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#587685 - 11/22/05 01:29 AM Re: Creel limit for Bass
Dusty Offline


Registered: 01/26/05
Posts: 6222
Loc: Ellington
well stated keith.....and your point about deer

FWIW the issue on hunting is that larger deer are preferred because they are older, have already passed on their good genes and are more prone to disease and injury than their younger counterparts.
Could be stated about bass in many situations. I will be the first to say, and have been in the past, that larger fsih are the MOST important to any system. But the truth is that the larger bass "have already passed on their good genes and are more prone to disease and injury than their younger counterparts. " \:D \:D

So either way its a balancing act, kill a big fish because it has done it's job and passed on genes that are beneficial to a system and bound to get sick at some point, or don't kill it because it potentially can contribute more to the population. It's been debated for years and will continue to be for years....

Some people might not like me "hogging" this thread....but I couldn't be having more fun. Debates like this are the core of all scientific research and discovery, and do nothing but make people think....fantastic that Jimfish started this and I hope everyone can get something out of it. But on the otehr hand, feel free to tell me to shut up!!! \:D

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#587686 - 11/22/05 01:56 AM Re: Creel limit for Bass
Bass Rebel Offline


Registered: 08/08/05
Posts: 1397
Loc: Watertown, CT

Thanks for taking some of the heat off me...LOL taking one for the team. Here is something that might help your research. (And those of you that were sickened or hated seeing those bass close your eyes and don't read \:D ) Dusty, the fish I caught the one that had the lure ALL THE WAY in its mouth past the gills would have probably died correct? Secondly when I cleaned the fish they had absolutely nothing ZILCH in their stomach, so could this be from overcrowding and not having enough food in the system to support them? Maybe that's why I caught them...they were hungry......Also saw schools and I mean 8 or more yellow perch atleast 12" or bigger chasing my lure....so too many larger fish is not good for the system either correct? Just wondering.
#587687 - 11/22/05 02:43 AM Re: Creel limit for Bass
Dusty Offline


Registered: 01/26/05
Posts: 6222
Loc: Ellington
Lure in the throat...VERY good chance of future death.....no food in the stomach, not uncommon this time of year, but they looked pretty fat, so i would have to say that they weren't missin many meals. I would have to say that having too many big fish...not a crucial issue unless there are enough to deplete the forage base enough as to make food scarce, its dynamic so it would take a caouple of bad year classes in the panfish populations as well....not common, but potential for ocurrence.

Team Daiwaimano
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Cell: 607 206 0324
#587688 - 11/22/05 09:25 AM Re: Creel limit for Bass
bullet20dc Offline

Registered: 03/27/05
Posts: 51
Like several of the more seasoned posters (notice I didn't say older) like myself I can remember when the fishing was really good on lakes like Lilly, Candlewood and yes even Zoar back in the late 70's .Not what some are calling good now but REALLY GOOD. I have pics of tournies that had the winning fish strung up on a "Lunker Board" Back then we didn't realize what the impact of killing our resource was going to have 20 years later. Thankfully people were educated in time and we were able to turn it around. Can you imagine what we would have now if back then we didn't stop the killing of bass. We would all be standing in streams fishing for 6 inch trout and our grandkids would be asking "Grandpa what's a Bass" and we'd have to take out a pic and show em/her cause there would be so few around that they would probably never even be targeted for sport.
People that need to harvest fish for the freezer need to be educated to the harm they are actually doing. I see a pic of 6 DEAD 4 plus pound fish and just get disgusted that some guy feels the need to kill trophies like that Take 2 lber's for the freezer and leave the big ones. The diff in meat isn't that much but the difference it makes for our future of bass fishing is enormous
Im just glad that an 8 lber was lucky enough to get free or she'd be DEAD too.
#587689 - 11/22/05 10:14 AM Re: Creel limit for Bass
Bass Rebel Offline


Registered: 08/08/05
Posts: 1397
Loc: Watertown, CT
Did any of you ever stop and think that the reason that you aren't seeing more large fish caught ISN'T because of an occasional fish being taken, but due to the LARGE amounts of tournements being fished? There are and I wouldn't say vast, but large amounts of 4+ pounders in most lakes in CT, but after being hooked and brought in they are a lot more reluctant to take another lure. Correct me if I'm wrong (Dusty I'm sure your following this thread) but wasn't there a study that proved that bass learn, and once they are hooked by certain types of lures they learn to avoid them? Also was there ever a study done to see how long it takes for a fish to be recaptured? Yes I agree with you that taking a large amount of large fish out of a system is not good, and everyone is up in the air about me taking a fish. Jon was the only one that was productive enough in his posts to give me the idea to check after the federation tourney to get the bass that wouldn't make it after a weigh in. In retrospect though think about it, he said that his father had about 20 fish a couple of years ago after a weigh in there. Which is worst me taking ONE BASS, or just one tourney out of MANY where there are 20+ dead bass after weight in, and you can be sure those fish were in the 3+ lb category. I've only fished a few tourneys up here 7-8 at the most but I can distictively remember atleast 2 that I fished where on the way back to weigh in I saw dead bass in the water where some "C&R" angler throw them out to not lower their score. In the snowball tourney there was a dead bass that had to be atleast 3lbs dead in the water (Would have scooped it out if I could) and people actually laughed about it at the weigh in saying it was the only bass they saw all day....to me that is disgusting. I think what Dusty said in his post is probablly correct that the increased tourneys are actually doing worst for the size/population of the bass then me taking my one fish. The creel limit change doesn't matter, if you change it to 2 fish limit, it doesn't matter, most people that fish and keep fish on a REGULAR basis don't do it leagally anyway. I took 6 fish, one would have more then likely died anyway. That's 6 fish for the entire year, and only because IT WAS ONLY the end of the season and I haven't caught squat up until now even in a range to try and keep. I enjoy the taste of bass, and I don't think 6 fish kept for the entire year is out of the question. Usually I don't catch anything up here in CT, but when I fished in SC, I'd keep an ocassional 1.5-2lber which in the Santee Cooper Lake System 175K Acres is a DROP IN THE BUCKET. The only fish I'd target to keep on a regualr basis was catfish, and I don't hear anyone complaining about me doing that. Yes the bass need to be protected, yes something needs to be done to protect our resources for the future, but it needs to happen from all sides I.E. recreational boating, pollution, stricter enforcement for those that do not LEGALLY take fish, and YES maybe even less tournements per year on a lake, but overall I think the DEP is doing a good job. So get off my case about me keeping the fish I did, it was legal. Most of those complaining won't even fish Lake-X because there is no way to even remotely get your $30+ bass boat into it. It is a shame though, a shame that the sport has come to this, I.E. all the posts I've read "Cheating in Tourneys", "Dead fish after Tourneys" etc. I fished Tourney's this year and spent some money doing it and got $0 back for fishing them, do you hear me complaining? NO I had a good time, met some great folks and learned. I for one plan to try and fish alot of the tourneys next year and one thing I am going to POSITIVELY do is make sure I can do everything in my power to provide as stressless environment for any fish I catch. Hopefully next year I can outfish some of you \:D Sorry if I YET AGAIN pissed off someone else, just tired of the whinning....
#587690 - 11/22/05 10:16 AM Re: Creel limit for Bass
MikeG Offline


Registered: 01/20/02
Posts: 13087
Loc: NW CT
Some great information on this thread . Really interesting to read .

a bit off topic
anyone see the new Gerber Tool commercial about bass ? It starts out talking about how bass change color to match water clarity(shows various footage of live bass in differant conditions) and than it says there favorite color for bass is golden brown showing some bass sizzling in a frying pan.I thought it was pretty funny but does nothing to help promote catch and release.
#587691 - 11/22/05 11:31 AM Re: Creel limit for Bass
Mycept Offline


Registered: 04/26/04
Posts: 8360
VegaX1 and Dusty,

Just a few points. Over harvest of large fish doesn't stunt a population. In theory if you harvested large fish to the point that they couldn't replenish the system then you would have recruitment overfishing, which I still believe is not documented for any black bass fishery. Stunting of populations is usually due to limited resources, not removing large fish. Think about it in simple terms. If your lake can support 20 bass over the 7 lb mark and you remove 12 of those bass, you won't stunt the rest of the fish. More fish will fill that niche.

Also, it's tough to compare fish and deer when it comes to reproduction. Granted a 7lb bass has already passed on her good genes, but it's the fecundity of the fish that make them so beneficial to the population. A doe usually has 2 fawns, but can range from what?...1-3. A 7lb female bass may produce 2 million eggs (this is just a hypothetical number, I'm not familiar with their SPR/fecundity stuff). It's the sheer number of eggs produced that is important.

And lastly, something that has already been brought up, and you can argue it all you want but you would be wrong. The mortality in relation to tournaments and catch and release is much greater than harvest in most black bass fisheries...period.
#587692 - 11/22/05 12:33 PM Re: Creel limit for Bass
Dusty Offline


Registered: 01/26/05
Posts: 6222
Loc: Ellington
And lastly, something that has already been brought up, and you can argue it all you want but you would be wrong. The mortality in relation to tournaments and catch and release is much greater than harvest in most black bass fisheries...period.
This is the most critical point of this whole thread...i have been attempting to make it clear. Again, I have a large stack of scientific papers illustrating that close to 10% of all fish caught in a tournament will not survive the following week. Doesn't seem like a lot but a a 20 boat tourney could easily catch 60 fish to be weighed in...there are 6 fish gone. And the study also makes it perfectly clear that the fish not surviving are the biggest ones brought to weigh-in

I also have work done on catch-and-release mortality numbers and that has been estimated as high as 4%, but during summer months it reaches 8%....again doesn't seem like a lot but how many of us regular anglers caught 150 bass this season....if you did thats at least 6 dead fish, and again its the larger fsih that die.

And mycept, overharvest of large fish does potentially cause stunting, that is one of the fundamental processes in fisheries management. I am taking this directly from the DEP lakes and ponds book, but could have just as easily taken it from my fisheries managemnt textbook "A decline in numbers of large bass due to harvest by anglers often results in an increase in numbers of forage fish, which include small panfish as well as young bass. High densities of small fish competing for a limited food supply causes the growth rates to decline. It then takes much longer for both the panfish and the bass to achieve sizes that would be of interest to anglers. The end product is a condition called stockpiling--an overabundance of small, slow-growing fish and few large ones. the most extreme situation occurs when overcrowding is so great fish become stunted. In these cases, fish grow so slowly that they never reach sizes desired by anglers. Stunting is more common is small ponds where fish abundance is very high, but predators and food are limited."

Since Rebel has stated there is no way to get a large boat on this body of water it is fair to assume that the pond/lake is smaller in size, so the potential for stunting is there. do I think there is any way what he did will create a stunted population, NO WAY. If 30 people go out and do what he did....YES. Bottom line, keeping BIG fish----not the best thing you could do to a system, but not the end of the fishery as we know it.

Team Daiwaimano
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Cell: 607 206 0324
#587693 - 11/22/05 12:41 PM Re: Creel limit for Bass
Mitch P. Offline

Registered: 05/04/01
Posts: 31952
I posted this in an older thread. I thought I'd post it again here in this thread.

#587694 - 11/22/05 12:46 PM Re: Creel limit for Bass
Dusty Offline


Registered: 01/26/05
Posts: 6222
Loc: Ellington
VERY good Mitch...i have been referring to that same article during my posts here, just never though of scanning it it. VERY IMPORTANT STUFF!!!

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