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#397302 - 10/07/04 08:12 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by slacktide:
Come November, cast your vote, knowing that we'll ALL be screwed in some way or another regardless of who gets the job!
I again agree!
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#397303 - 10/07/04 08:14 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by Tackleman:
unsolicited politcal view.....

Anyone who posts more than 3 paragraphs about anything other than fishing on this site should be forced to spend 72 hours with nothing but KC and 5 cases of the BEAST!!!
sorry! \:\(

Hey K.C., when we gonna hook up, and what's the BEAST?!
#397304 - 10/07/04 08:15 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by Buck:
Nu2salt, a flat tax does not meet your objectives. The tax codes today are a redistribution of wealth, those who make more money pay more taxes, and with the alternate minimum tax, which everyone has to calculate and it applies to more and more middle class people every year, the tax burden is also graduated as you go up the income scale. That is why the rich pay most of the tax bill under personal income taxes. Having savings programs like IRAs, 401Ks, the education plans, etc. are key for folks of average means to save towards the light at the end of the tunnel. Your proposal taxes everyone and takes away the savings initiatives. You don't really want that, it is not a way to help the less fortunate trying to get ahead of the financial power curve.
I respectfully disagree.
#397305 - 10/07/04 08:16 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by fishbag61:
Capitalists have nipples Jim, could ya milk them? :p
F George W. Bush!
#397306 - 10/07/04 08:19 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by Mitch P.:
Originally posted by SPUNFISHER:
...your beloved Bush administration has far more in common with the government of the old Soviet Union than any liberal president ever has.
I think not, fearless leader! Many parallels and similarities! Very scary stuff!
#397307 - 10/07/04 08:21 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by K.C.:

Nu2Pepper: Your productivity on this thread is inversely proportional to you proclivity. :p

i know, how the f#$k did that happen?! \:\(

(BTW, I don't think that is a complete sentence, but I know what you mean! ;\) )
#397308 - 10/07/04 08:39 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by Mitch P.:

Forgetting which candidate I like, what’s more important is that I feel our very freedom is at stake. If people are willing to kill thousands of innocent lives on our soil, we’ve got to take action to protect ourselves, our freedom, and our way of live.
I agree, Mitch, but please explain to me how this has anything to do with Iraq? Afghanistan, yes, Saudia Arabia even, maybe, but Iraq was simply a convenient political ploy, in my estimation.

Originally posted by Mitch P.:

And regardless of whether you feel being in Iraq works toward this goal, I do know this:

The U.S. remains the best country in the world.
I agree wholeheartedly!

Originally posted by Mitch P.:

In the part of CT where I live there are many, many immigrants from many countries – including my own fiancé. I’ve seen first-hand for years the stories of why people come this country. I see the sweat and labor they put in to send money back to their families and the hard work to make a real live for themselves here. These people aren’t looking to leave here any time soon.
NO argument!

Originally posted by Mitch P.:

Getting to my main point. To liken the U.S. to the old Soviet Union is an unfathomable thought to me. I’m not sure who or what, besides your dislike for Bush or the war in Iraq, would make you say that.
The fact that you are unable to see the comparison between the USSR and the Bush administration is the very crux of the problem. I had never really thought of it until Spun posted his item. As I looked at that list it became very clear to me, it could not be more obvious. The only reason I dislike Bush is that I feel that his presidency is detrimental to the country I love. I am against the war in Iraq because I believe that war is always a horrible thing and should only be resorted to as an absolute last resort; and that our invasion and occupation was premature and unjust. People are dying; being dismembered and disfigured; and traumatized; lives are being destroyed, both American and innocent Iraqis; and there ARE innocent Iraqis; and I feel this could have been avoided, and has done nothing to make us safer, the removal of Hussein notwithstanding. He alone is not the bogeyman, and there are many more out there, so I really fail to see how we are any safer now than we were 2 years ago.

Originally posted by Mitch P.:

But forgetting my own thoughts. Let’s look at the facts. Which of the two countries are people pouring over the border to get into every day? Case closed.
Again, no argument. But that doesn't mean that we can't and shouldn't do better, or that we are not heading down the wrong road. It only means we are still better than everyone else.... for now.

Those coming here know that we can change directions and leaders, unlike in other countries where dictators rule by force.

It is not enough to be better than the rest, we have to be the best we can be. It doesn't matter how bad everywhere else is, we should be raising the bar, not seeing just how low we can sink and still be better than them.

So the case is NOT closed, Mitch, think about it!


#397309 - 10/07/04 08:47 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by jon h.:
Originally posted by Kevin B:
stop tax loopholes, go after offshoring corps,expand the IRS enforcement of tax non-payment offenders, cut spending , and cut taxes. Put Social security fund under a quasi group and out of the control of congress.
Heinz - as in John Heinz Kerry - can be considered an offshore corporation.
No argument, Jon; If Kerry wins we will have to make sure that he remains consistent and true to his word, and that such companies are sanctioned accordingly, even his wife's. I don't believe he is stupid enough to not recognize this and understand that what he espouses applies to Heinz as well.


#397310 - 10/07/04 08:51 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by jon h.:
The next time you want to wring your hands about taxes and the wealthy, ask John Edwards and John Kerry what they pay in taxes.
And George W. and his family, and Cheney, and.... ALL OF THEM! Kerry and Edwards are not unique!

Originally posted by jon h.:

For instance in 5 years, Edwards earned something like 26 million as an attorney. He paid himself the most meager of 6 figure salaries, and dumped the rest into corporate dividends. He IS the corporation. The tax he paid on the "income" is a mere pittance. This is just one loophole that the IRS is looking into fixing.
We can't blame him for working within the existing laws and framework, his Republican counterparts do the same thing! The difference is he is willing to discuss changing it, even when he clearly must recognize that doing so will impact him as well as everyone else. The Republicans on the other hand think everything is just fine and want to continue to do business this way, allowing Edwards and others to continue to do exactly what you said. How can you not see this?
#397311 - 10/07/04 08:57 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by RMW 1:
Nu2salt With all due respect I for one and I think others are not trying to achieve the same goals that you are espousing.

No? Exactly what goals would YOU like to achieve, Don?

I would like to see the U.S. safe and secure.

I would like to see all Americans enjoying a better standard of living and more opportunities.

I would like to see poverty in this country brought to an end.

I would like to see health care for everyone.

I would like to see crime reduced, and feel that providing everyone with meaningful education and genuine opportunities will go a long way to that end.

I would like to see median wages increase.

I would like to see the gap between the very wealthy and the least of our citizens narrowed.

What would YOU like to see?
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