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#397792 - 10/14/04 04:43 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


Thank you for your concern for my family.

What scares me more is that someone armed with an AK47, he bought at a gun show without any background check or waiting period, will walk into the school where your or my kids are and start spraying bullets at them.
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#397793 - 10/14/04 04:44 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Buck Offline


Registered: 01/17/03
Posts: 11202
Val, constitutional scholars have opined that the Supreme Court ruling you cite, the only one ever specifically on a 2nd Amendment issue, is flawed and flies in the face of every other Supreme Court ruling having to do with Amendments that use the language "the rights of the people shall not be infringed". In its worst case, judges sat as "philosopher kings" passing judgement as per their feelings, not as jurists responsible for interpreting the Constitution. But their use of the word "apparantly" is an idication that they were not ruling on this issue as an individual right anyway but deferring to the lower court, their only definitive ruling being on militias. Scholars feel that the 2nd Amendment and the issue of the rights of the people has never been specifically ruled upon.
"the rights of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed". What don't we understand.
#397794 - 10/14/04 04:48 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Buckie, Are you referring to "Miller 1939", the case about the sawed-off shotgun? There is a more recent circuit court case where the indivudal right was upheld, and the Supreme Court would not reverse it.

Gee, Val, why all the posting in BOLD ? Figure it helps bolster a losing arguement? Here is alittle tidbit from the old country I thought you might enjoy:


Firearm fever in Russia - 09/16/2004 19:02

After the recent terrorist act in Beslan, Russians began purchasing legal means of self-defense.

Some even address direct letters to different law-enforcement agencies across country with a plea to authorize sales of hunting rifles and self-defense firearms.

State Duma plans to adopt certain amendments by the end of this month, aimed at restricting the overall turnover of firearms and explosives in the country. The amendment however will apply only to Russian special services. At the same time, many delegates express their affirmative views to make the firearms market more liberal. According to them, if the state is unable to protect its citizens, let them have the right protect themselves, writes ?Izvestia¦.

?It appears that the Russian peoples have nothing else to do but to act as mere sacrificial lambs. Rebels do not take militia hostage; they prefer to torture defenseless people. And the government is incapable of protecting us,¦ states Yuri Dotsenko in his letter from Sochi. ?I am not saying that each of us needs a personal bodyguard. There is another issue at stake here. There is simply the lack of a governmental system aimed at protecting its people. In my opinion, there is only one way out of this mess: the state has to make guns legal. Let people protect themselves and their kids. Those rebels would not have seized the school had they known that every parent had had a gun.¦

Russian society is on the verge of the real firearms fever. People are racing to hospitals, psychiatric facilities in order to obtain needed certificates which will enable them to purchase firearms. They all are one thing only: to acquire a legal permission to store firearms at home in order to protect their families.

Those, whose past is rather shady (and there is a growing number of such people in our corrupted government) prefer to buy guns on the black market for about $1000 a piece.

Some experts claim that such ?fever¦ has to do with the new hunting season and pose no danger. Others however are inclined to believe that such great demand for the means of self-defense will lead to tragic consequences. State Duma intends to return to discussing the issue of legalizing some types of firearms pertaining only to the special services.

Last year (17 September 2003) State Duma had already discussed such legislative initiative prompting to mitigate the law. Back then, majority had voted ?No¦ in regards to the issue, informs ?Izvestia¦.

In the meantime, Kalashnikov look-alikes are in great demand these days. Barrel-free pistols gain popularity among people in Moscow as well. It is exceptionally difficult to obtain a permission for one of these guns. In critical situations however these types of guns appear to be way more effective than any other guns, reports the newspaper.

?Gas weapons are long past due,¦ explains one of the managers of the ?Oruzheiny Dvor¦ store Kirill Konyaev. Times change-today Muscovites are thinking about the real protection. Gas weapons can no longer ensure their safety. Majority of guns are quite bulky-Such barrel-free guns represent the best alternative.

One can acquire special permit at a licensing department of Moscow-s department of internal affairs. Their offices are located in every district of the city. A person just needs to prove that he/she is in good mental health, demonstrate his ability to load/unload a gun and the person will be free to head to the local gun store in a few weeks. According to some knowledgeable residents, it is possible to finish the entire procedure in a day or tow if one has extra $150-200 USD to spare.

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
#397795 - 10/14/04 04:53 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Buck Offline


Registered: 01/17/03
Posts: 11202
Val, please put some intellectual capital into your posts. You know that AK47s are outlawed since the 1930s, that they can't be bought at gun shows or anywhere else, that "spraying bullets" requires fully automatic capability which is illegal so your reply is intellectually dishonest.
No one is asking for AK47s. There are over 20,000 gun laws on the books at the Federal, State and local level. Enforce what we have, wean out what doesn't work, and respect the Bill of Rights. Why can't we agree on that?
#397796 - 10/14/04 04:55 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
deepbottom Offline

Registered: 09/09/03
Posts: 462
Baitrunner, Yes, he was/is? I really don't know as we parted friends long ago.

Something bothers me about someone who is unwilling to stand up (if need be, himself) and protect himself, his family, and his property.

This should very well produce the irrelevant and ignorant question, (like), "Oh, I suppose you would shoot a kid if you caught him putting a cherry bomb in your mailbox?". So, for all those who don't really know what I am talking about, please don't post any silly questions.

Want some excitement? Try a JoPlug!
#397797 - 10/14/04 04:55 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
RMW 1 Offline

Registered: 11/20/02
Posts: 1007
Buck if we agree on that democrats won't get elected!

#397798 - 10/14/04 04:58 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Buck Offline


Registered: 01/17/03
Posts: 11202
Baitrunner, I was reacting to the post Val put up on the 1942 case but maybe it was the 1939 case I was thinking about. More important is the case you cite about the circuit court upholding the individual right to keep and bear arms that the Supreme Court did not agree to hear basically upholding the Circuit Court's ruling. I forgot about that too but it is the most recent situation and more meaningful.
#397799 - 10/14/04 05:09 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Dear CTFISHERMAN.COM (not so well regulated) MILITIA.

You scared me sh$tless. I am on my way to the gun store to buy my first machine gun. The Russians are coming!!!

God bless you all for straightening out an old Commie like myself. I won't be able to reply to your posts while I am target shooting. I use Osama cutouts for targets. I hope to mount my machine gun in the turret of my new Hummer when that option becomes available.

See you in the shooting range.
#397800 - 10/14/04 05:10 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Db, I've had the unmitigated misery of having to use a gun to defend myself, in the past. I've never had to shoot it; merely brandishing it was enough.

30 years ago, I was followed home one late night, by a gang of drunken ruffians who apparently felt I was driving too slowly for their taste. I pulled into my driveway, and they poured out of their car with baseball bats. I managed to retrieve an M1 Carbine from the tirewell of my old buick Sportwagon, jacked in a 30-round magazine, and they scattered like a bunch of jackrabbits! No one was hurt, but I'm sure I
saved myself from a serious beating.

Whilst putting myself through college for my degree in Criminal Justice, I worked at local YMCA which was beset with pediophiles. After consulting with the local PD, whose only advice was "Why don't you beat the schitt out of 'em?", I knew I was on my own. I confronted them, told them to get lost, and never come back.

They did come back, with some of the biggest, enforcer bruisers I've ever had the displeasure to meet. When they lunged over the counter for me, I grabbed "Emmy", (which by this time I was lovingly referring to her as!), pointed her square at them and smiled! Funny, they never came back after that. Wonder why? ;\)

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
#397801 - 10/14/04 05:12 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
RMW 1 Offline

Registered: 11/20/02
Posts: 1007
Hey Val what does regulated mean?

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