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#397372 - 10/08/04 12:02 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by John from Madison CT:
Another insane and gross over generalization. You see the world and this country with blinders on.

Tell me, that guy who owns a small business, who is trying to compete in this GLOBAL arena........how does he benefit when he has to pay 3X more for labor than the guy manufacturing similar products overseas!?!?

Did you ever wonder why manufacturing has nearly left the New England area? UNIONS AND LABOR COSTS !! Even in the Southern US, labor rates and union participation are way lower.

So, ...... do you still believe that EVERYONE benefits??

Now I know why you support Kerry. A grasp of the facts isn't necessary.
Once again, you give the wealthy a complete pass! Carte blanc to run rough shod over the entire world! You must think that the rest of us are all here just to serve you!

Instead of blaming Unions and American workers who merely want to earn a living wage, why don't you look at the multi-millionaires and billionaires who own those big corporations, and the stock in those big corporations, and gouge us all with excessive profiteering?

THEY are the ones who drive up the cost of EVERYTHING! Not the middle class American worker who merely wants to own his own modest home (as opposed to one in Madison!) and earn enough money to live a decent, comfortable life!

Its OK to pay CEO's millions of dollars a year, and pass on HUGE dividends and profits to stock holders, but you'll be damned if you should have to pay $20 or $30 per hour to the people who actually do all the freakin' work!

American workers are glad to earn $50K or so, but in order to do that, and still make those billions to feed the wealthy, they drive the price of everything up, up, up, blame the working class, and make it impossible for small businesses to keep up. Then, when that no longer feeds their greed, they take their company and go overseas, and exploit the poor and the children and pay them pennies on the dollar of what they would pay here.

But do they lower the prices for their goods and services accordingly? NOT ON YOUR LIFE!! The market will BEAR the same prices, so they continue to charge the same as they did before. All that money they're saving from not having to pay American labor, goes right in their fat, greedy wallets!

But obviously , this is all the fault of middle class American workers.

If people like you had their way, like I said, we'd all be working 12 hour days for minimum wage with no benefits whatsoever.

Just how wealthy are you anyway? Because you OBVIOUSLY don't work for a living!! Must be nice down there in Madison!
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#397373 - 10/08/04 12:02 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
richard4878 Offline


Registered: 03/14/03
Posts: 994
[/QB][/QUOTE]Or run from a puking Union Bashing maniac with a baseball bat..... [/QB][/QUOTE]

Yes thats exactly what I am..... :rolleyes:

17 foot sundance skiff with 50hp jhonson.
#397374 - 10/08/04 12:08 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


OH!! Now I got you! \:D

yeah, i guess you're right. \:\(

(But you gotta understand, I'm outta work, bad back from fightin' with those juvenile delinquents for the last 6 years, so I've got LOADS of time on my hands. :p Thank God for my Union! ;\) \:D )
#397375 - 10/08/04 12:08 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
BP Offline

Registered: 03/21/03
Posts: 477
nu2salt posted:

If Bush had been president during the Cuban missle crisis he would have blown us all to kingdom come!

I'm a Bush guy, and I respectfully disagree with a great many of your assertions. I do however think you may have a point on this one, and I would probably be looking for an alternative if this were October 1962.

Then again, if Kerry were a cold war era president all that "global testing" would have led to a distinctly crimson world map today. Reagan would probably have been asking Mr.Gorbachev to "tear down this wall!" in Montreal

The truth is however the cold war is over.

I think the cold war required a president to be much more of a statesman. In fighting global terror however, I'm goin with the cowboy.

He sips his coffee, then looks again toward the woods where he hunted with his father and now hunts with his son.
�There�s something about this place,� he says.
And if they were here to speak, all the men who have shared this camp over the decades would answer,
�Yes, there is.�
#397376 - 10/08/04 12:15 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


I think maybe the person you meant to address that to was not richard4878, but rather Bill Uconn. He was the one with the post about the economic impact of 9/11, I think (?)

Lets take it easy guys, we can poke at each other and stuff, but lets not get too nasty.

JFM, I hope you are taking my jabs with a grain of "salt"(nu2)! Nothing personal, you just seem well enough equipped to dish it out and take it just the same.

No hard feelings on my end! None of this is personal, just academic, and I'm using you to illustrate my points, as I imagine you are doing with me.


Your fellow American,

#397377 - 10/08/04 12:17 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
richard4878 Offline


Registered: 03/14/03
Posts: 994
No, It was pretty much a straight shot at me.

17 foot sundance skiff with 50hp jhonson.
#397378 - 10/08/04 12:26 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Mitch P. Offline

Registered: 05/04/01
Posts: 31763
richard4878, great points and defense.

Spin, keep showing the undecided what the extreme left is all about. Clinton's behavior in the White House didn't matter. Why should it matter what Rich chooses to have on his personal website?

N2Salt, not for nothing, but does your computer have an off button?! You might try being a little more succinct. Frankly, I can't read all of your posts anymore. On the other hand, keep going. You may change a few minds. From the few peeps from the undecided, I think you're driving them away from choosing Kerry.
#397379 - 10/08/04 12:26 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


I appreciate the fact that you are astute enough to see my point.

I think this "global testing" thing has really been misunderstood, but can appreciate the concern it has raised and how it can be interpreted so as to be dangerous.

My impression of what Kerry meant was that absent an obvious, overt, and imminent threat, we should have a clear and convincing case, a preponderance of evidence, if not certainty beyond a reasonble doubt, before we resort to military action. I think meeting the "global test" is merely a phrase used to illustrate that we would rather the rest of the world believed that we were clearly justified and had the moral authority to use force, than alienate our allies if we can avoid doing so. Not put it out to a global vote. In the case of Iraq, I think my feelings have been made clear, so I will refrain from being any more verbose, repetitious, or prolific, on that subject!!

I must respectfully disagree with you about what would have happened if Kerry had been President during the Cold War. He is nothing if not a statesman.

I likewise disagree that a cowboy is a better choice than a statesman for today's global climate. Do not underestimate the value of statesmanship in bringing the rest of the world to our aid and isolating the terrorists from any and all government sponsorship or support.


#397380 - 10/08/04 12:28 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

4 more.



After all this over can we try Religion? :rolleyes:
#397381 - 10/08/04 12:30 PM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
John from Madison CT Offline


Registered: 06/28/02
Posts: 15914
Loc: Old Saybrook (formerly Madison...
If Bush had been president during the Cuban missle crisis he would have blown us all to kingdom come!

If Kerry was Prez. during the Cuban Missile crisis, he would have apologized to Fidel, asked the UN if it was OK to negotiate, and couldn't have possibly done any blockade....... since he didn't have a global "coalition".

Nu2Salt: Alas, you're anger at those with means continues to be apparent. You are obviously not a free market economist.

This "Living Wage" crap really is insane. Work hard at what you do, get educated, and you WILL succeed in this great country. You seem to think the Government OWES you something for nothing.

Very often Unions are no different than protection for those who are not worth what it is they do.

Personally, I am in Sales. If I don't sell, OR if someone can do the job better than me....I'm gone. I do not need protection, but rather protect myself by doing a good job and bringing value to those who pay me.

Unions resemble nothing from when they were needed many years ago. Today, they enrichen the Union management, and hold hostage American corporations. And the Liberals ALL wonder why American corporations go abroad with manufacturing.

Heck, a Toll Taker in NYC can make $100K/year collecting change. Why? Unions. Who pays for that? John Q Public, who now has to pay taxes up the wahzoo, for no real "service" of value.

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