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#397342 - 10/08/04 01:14 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
DEN Offline


Registered: 08/10/03
Posts: 4898
Loc: Newington
I really do not think any media source celebrates the loss of one’s employment but keep in mind when Taco Bell terminates 3-employees it certainly isn’t newsworthy. When a couple of thousand from one company receive their pink slips, it will make the news!

This week alone:
Hedstrom Corp 800 employees
Bank of America 4,500 employees
AT&T 7,400 employees
Unisys Corp 1,400 employees
Kodak 800 employees

I find it hard to believe that a quarter of million jobs were created in one month when the economists give estimates of 50,000 to 250,000 new jobs created, that’s quit a range. We both know these numbers are all over the place and uncertain, hopefully we’ll have accurate numbers after this winter.

I for one cannot celebrate a personal income growth of 10% in three years without recognizing increased medical and energy costs. If anything, over the past three years we’re probably –30% in the hole, as for lack of deposable income “savings” and increased personal debt. The whole thing sucks big time and I hope somebody has the answer.
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#397343 - 10/08/04 02:47 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Val wrote,
jon h,

You are one very angry guy. Every TOTALITARIAN state would be proud to count you among its storm troopers. Ever thought of joining the KKK?
Val, you're great at dishing it out. Why so sensitive when it comes back it you? You're father was imprisoned by Stalin? ( He's lucky to have survived. Millions did'nt!) That's sad, and quite illuminating. Why then, when searching for an example of totalitarinism, did you not use Stalin as your example, rather than the relatively benign internment of Japanese Americans during WWII? \:o

For all our faults, America is still a shining beacon of freedom and hope for the rest of the world. If it was'nt, millions of people would not be flooding our borders every year, fighting to get in. (Funny, we don't see many people fighting to get out!) ;\)

Perhaps I was a "putz", and worthy of being beneath your contempt; if so you have my sincere apology for any slight inferred. All I know is that, in life, there can be no "Ying" without "Yang".

To equate so-called "right-wing wacko Neo-cons" with Fascism/KKK cannot be done without a comparison of "left-wing wacko Neo-coms" with Communism. To quote Einstein, "For every action, there is an equal, and opposite, reaction."

Val, you also stated,
I am just taking this 'profiling' thing to its logical conclusion. History shows that 'racial profiling' always ended as smoke coming out of the chimneys of crematoriums.
Pull-eeze! With all due respect, to equate racial profiling with genocide is to belittle and minimize the horror of true genocide.

Let me get this straight; attempting to scope out, and prevent a terroristic act, by one's potential enemies, will lead to eventual genocide? A bit of stretch, me thinks.

Even, for the sake of arguement, assuming this to be true, an armed American populace would never stand for the mass murder and cremation of millions of Arab-Americans, or any other group, for that matter. Dis-armed, hence powerless, perhaps. Hitler and Stalin, both proved this to be an undeniable fact.

Ergo, I'll draw my own half-azzed, half-baked concluesion from my own hypothesis: If you want genocide, vote anti-gun Kerry/Edwards! Seems logical, to me. ;\)

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
#397344 - 10/08/04 03:01 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
FLAG-UP Offline

Registered: 03/16/03
Posts: 888
What has happened in this thread is the same that has happened across the country.Kerry/Bush---Left/Right---Black/White---Us/Them---Mustard/Ketchup!The only thing that seems to make the news is extreme differences of opinion.Any of the major news organizations cant have 2 people of differing opinions talk about issues rationally,they would much rather have 2 people screaming at each other for the ratings bonanza.My interest in politics really started when I was nominated by my tech school shop teacher to attend the American Legions Boys State.It was to this day one of the best times of my life.EVERYONE should attend one of these forums.For 2 weeks we learned how and why government functions.How it works good when its open and how it struggles when its not forthcoming with its citizens and the imporatence of civic duty(voting).It seems that in order to be considered for high elected office from either party one must have the parties extreme views to be considered for nomination.Most of the people in this country are centrist.I have many views that many consider liberal and also I have views that many consider conservative.So the idea is to get candidates that appeal to the majority of citizens.Currently democrats and republicans can only vote in there own parties primaries.What I think would be a better way to get more candidates that would appeal to the majority of the centrist population would be to allow ALL registered voters to vote in BOTH parties primaries.There are some centrist republicans that I would have no problem voting for.We need to stop the extreme polarization of society and move back to a more civil place.Remember what Ghandi said--Be the change you want to see in the world. P.S. You all type to fast,its hard to keep up with this thread.
#397345 - 10/08/04 03:25 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Henry L,

While I am confident that you quoted your source accurately, apparently your source was not accurate, based upon Spin's source, obviously credible, as well as what Kevin B posted:

"and the hits keep on coming. Bush, Cheney Concede Saddam Had No WMDs web page"

"If Iraqis could develop nuclear weapons with French help, how hard could it be to develop bio/chemical weapons on their own or via another European power?"

(Not to mention the generous supply of ingrediants and technology supplied courtesy of Ronny Raygun and Big Enus, right?)

Henry and Arlow,

The strategic advantages of invading and occupying Iraq in preparation for an anticipated conflict with Iran cannot be denied. I honestly had never considered that before. However, I am still not sure how I feel about that from a moral standpoint. Is that proper justification, and do we have the moral authority, to act in a first strike capacity against another nation, merely because it is strategically advantageous for some potential future military action which itself is yet uncertain? We are the U.S., we cannot measure our tactics by those of our enemies; we have to be better than them in every way. This is certainly a difficult quandry.

I think on the whole I am reluctant to embrace Mr. Bush's rush to military action where either Iraq or Iran are concerned, given the present situation and that of 2 years ago when we first went into Iraq. Again, not to say they are not clearly our enemies, but I do not see that military action was inevitable or unavoidable and still feel that going to war with Iraq at that particular time was at the very least premature.

Waging war should never be taken lightly, or undertaken just because it is easier, faster, or strategically advantageous in anticipation of some future conflict, no matter how much any of us may want to "cut to the chase"; no matter how certain we may be that other means (diplomacy, containment, economic pressure, international pressure, etc.) are destined to fail. I think we are obliged to wait until after they have indeed failed, or until the other nation has in some overt manner provoked us. When you're the biggest kid on the playground, you don't go around beating up on those smaller than you, just because they look at you wrong, or verbally harass you or threaten you; you watch them closely, you never turn your back on them, but you wait for something stronger in the way of provocation. Afghanistan was totally legitimate in light of 9/11. I do not believe Iraq, or Iran, meet that same test.

Again, I am not suggesting this is easy, or clear cut, or that I am an expert on foreign affairs. I can only rely on my own personal moral compass. This is what my sense of values tells me is right. War is truly tragic and horrific, and I think we must do more to avoid resorting to it whenever possible. I'm not a "pacifist" or a "global appeaser", just adverse to the death and destruction brought about by war. And again, I am not convinced that any of this has made us safer today, or will make us safer in the long run.

I disagree with your assessment, Henry, that Hussein's actions were tantamount to a declaration of war. Those actions went back over a decade, why go to war now, when we had not done so previously, when those actions were ripe? And again 9/11 clearly does not meet that test.

And as you admit, Italy was a different dynamic, not only because they had made a formal declaration of war against us, but because Germany had likewise done so, and Italy was Germany's ally, therefore, they were fair game. If we were at war with Iran, and Iraq was their ally, then that certainly would change things, but that is not the case. If Iraq came to Afghanistan's aid when we went in there, that would have changed things also. But the way it all shook out, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth for us to start a war without something more solid to go on.

I realize this sounds weak, but again, war is far too drastic to resort too without absolute certainty of its justification, and I for one am not certain. What if it could have been avoided? How would you or I feel if we lost a loved one serving in a conflict that might have been avoided? How can I look the family of a fallen soldier in the eye and be certain that their sacrifice was absolutely necessary and unavoidable? I truly do not believe in my heart that this conflict passes that moral test.

This is not a clear cut case from any angle. It is truly one of the most complex and difficult issues our generation may ever have to struggle with.


#397346 - 10/08/04 03:35 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!


Some very good points, Thank you for your contribution!

(Home ownership, Greenspan, interest rates, etc.)

Well said.


#397347 - 10/08/04 03:39 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

No JFM, When a small business hires 3 people to answer the phone, or sweep the floor, or wait on customers at the counter for $10 an hour it doesn't make headlines! WTF do you want, a ticker tape parade with a big brass band? JEEEZ! :rolleyes:

But when a big corportation lays off thousands, while declaring a big dividend for Wall Street and a six or seven figure bonus for its CEO, THAT makes headlines, because it is absolutely f**kin' criminal! Rob the poor, feed the rich! \:o

But boo hoo , don't cry for the poor, just cry boo hoo for the rich who have to pay all those nasty wasty evil taxes!

Do you actually LISTEN to yourself?
#397348 - 10/08/04 03:51 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Baitrunner Offline

Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 1366
Gee, I thought I was the only night owl! Flag-up was right; this is becoming a reflection of the increased polarization of our politics. Great post, Mr. Flag, might I respectfully request a re-edit with some paragraphs to make it a mite easier on the eyes? \:D

I'm getting a wee bit tired of it. I'd be amazed if what is typed here changes any minds; perhaps the ultimate exercise in futility. Still, I guess I'll always be somewhat fascinated by the process. I enjoy the study of demographics, the electoral college, congressional/senate races; the whole 9 yards.

But all the hub-bub about WMD's is getting a bit old; Bush lied, Kerry lies, Clinton lied...yada, yada, yada! They're politicians....they all LIE! It's what they live for! Reckon it just boils down to who you feel lies the least, or whose lies you like the best. Never thought I live to see the day when I said this, but I will not shed any tears when Mr. Mitchie-poo locks this bad boy up.

But, until that day, let's have at it! \:D Jacques Chirac eats monkey dung! :p

"I think, that all right-thinking people, are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I, for one, am not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
#397349 - 10/08/04 04:03 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
Capt. Alewife Offline

Registered: 07/31/02
Posts: 4477
Loc: "fiddle ridge"
Hey let's put these to clowns in a real debate with a Connecticuts Own Ralph Nader. It'd be intresting to see what these guys would do when forced to give real answers to real topics and not just act out a card of pre anayalized questions.

Nadar was on the news this morning questioning the Secret society that kerry and Bush are BOTH a part of. Also the papa bush and Prescott. But will not comment own.

If you think about the whole thing the reason our great country is in such turmoil Is cause it's not a a equal platform. which is the essenece of the whole problem . The Whole election process and "party affialation " is garbage.

Is this a democracy??? Sure doesn't seem like it.
Our government is making is a international embarassement.

as a weekley subscriber to the American free Press
I'm all to familar with all the "unanswered questions"

i'm of a firm believer that evil controls our goverment and the worlds. The Bible tells us of this fate.

fishing is like life.. you learn as you go.and I can't stop learning

There's a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore looking like an idiot.- Steven Wright

" they've hit that before, they'll hit it again!! leave it out there TILL they hit it!~"
#397350 - 10/08/04 04:03 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!

Originally posted by John from Madison CT:


1. Did you support the US involvement in Gulf War 1?

Originally posted by John from Madison CT:

2. Why didn't Saddam allow the weapons inspectors back into Iraq.
Well you see, the reason that he did that was that the dynamic of his culture dictates that he not cave in to the demands of foreign.....

How the F**K should I know why that LUNATIC did anything that he did, and WTF does that have to do with ANYTHING? :rolleyes:

We all know by now, even Bush and Cheney, that he did not have WMD's. (Maybe he just didn't want his allies or his other enemies in the Arab world to know he didn't have any such weapons because he feared the disclosure of such information would make him vulnerable to his enemies within the Arab world? If so, it was a pretty stupid miscalculation on his part, and not the first one he's ever made. Do you think I'm the president of his fan club or something? :rolleyes: Where do you come up with this garbage? )

Originally posted by John from Madison CT:

3. What is the purpose of 17 UN resolutions against Saddam when he violated everyone and the UN made no moves to punish him for his violations?
Try restating this in a clear, coherent, question or questions and I'll try to offer my opinion if I have one. (I think there are at least 2, possibly 3, seperate questions there, and I'm too tired to try to dissect it and understand what you are trying to ask.)

Originally posted by John from Madison CT:

4. Why did Kerry support the Pres. on Gulf War 2?
THIS one I can answer! \:\) As Kerry has stated over and over, he voted to give the President the ultimate authority to use military action IF and WHEN all other reasonable efforts had been exhausted and failed. The problem is that Kerry's and others' definition of exhausting all other reasonable efforts was not the same as Bush's. Kerry and others in Congress voted to show solidarity with the President, so that when he went to the U.N. and to other countries, he would not be pointing an "empty gun" so to speak. Kerry and others never expected Bush to move so quickly to military action and feel that he did so prematurely, as do I and many other Americans.

Originally posted by John from Madison CT:

5. How many positions has Kerry taken on the War? Remember, he had to support it when he was losing against Howard Dean.
I believe the position I outlined above is the only position Kerry has ever taken. He recognized the need to disarm Hussein, but disagrees with the manner in which Bush prosecuted the matter. If Kerry were President we may still have ended up going to war in the end, but not so soon, and not without exhausting every possible alternative and building a more effective international coalition. We had time but Bush did not use it to his advantage, he rushed off to war half cocked.

Just like in Gulf War I, Kerry agreed that we had to get Hussein out of Kuwait but apparently felt we were acting with force too quickly. The problem with you is that you see nothing between doing nothing and going to war, just like W. No critical thinking ability, no creativity, no flexibility. It's all or nothing, black or white. :rolleyes:
#397351 - 10/08/04 04:08 AM Re: Political Discussion: One Thread Only!
spin Offline


Registered: 07/27/02
Posts: 579
Hey Henry,

You like to use quotes out of context, have you ever read the entire speech? The link is near the bottom.

Some Kerry quotes you missed from the same speech.

"The Bush Administration has a plan for waging war but no plan for winning the peace. It has invested mightily in the tools of destruction but meagerly in the tools of peaceful construction. It offers the peoples in the greater Middle East retribution and war but little hope for liberty and prosperity." John F. Kerry 1/23/2003

"First, destroying al Qaeda and other anti-American terror groups must remain our top priority. While the Administration has largely prosecuted this war with vigor, it also has made costly mistakes. The biggest, in my view, was their reluctance to translate their robust rhetoric into American military engagement in Afghanistan. They relied too much on local warlords to carry the fight against our enemies and this permitted many al Qaeda members, and according to evidence, including Osama bin Laden himself, to slip through our fingers." John F. Kerry 1/23/2003

"But the burden is also clearly on the Bush Administration to do the hard work of building a broad coalition at the U.N. and the necessary work of educating America about the rationale for war. As I have said frequently and repeat here today, the United States should never go to war because it wants to, the United States should go to war because we have to. And we don't have to until we have exhausted the remedies available, built legitimacy and earned the consent of the American people, absent, of course, an imminent threat requiring urgent action." John F. Kerry 1/23/2003

"I have no doubt of the outcome of war itself should it be necessary. We will win. But what matters is not just what we win but what we lose. We need to make certain that we have not unnecessarily twisted so many arms, created so many reluctant partners, abused the trust of Congress, or strained so many relations, that the longer term and more immediate vital war on terror is made more difficult. And we should be particularly concerned that we do not go alone or essentially alone if we can avoid it, because the complications and costs of post-war Iraq would be far better managed and shared with United Nation's participation. And, while American security must never be ceded to any institution or to another institution's decision, I say to the President, show respect for the process of international diplomacy because it is not only right, it can make America stronger - and show the world some appropriate patience in building a genuine coalition. Mr. President, do not rush to war. "
John F. Kerry 1/23/2003


If you really want some hilarious quotes I’ll post Secretary of State Powell’s “ Proof of Iraq’s WMDs” speech to the United Nations.

I tried to find it sooner but was looking in the “non-fiction” section. This past week they moved it to the “fiction” area. He even had pictures,” Here are the mobile labs”, and over here are the “Tubes for nuclear weapons”,

He must get a lot of respect around the world these days.
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